Cookies Gelato from RQS

Day 3

She is now moved into the tent
After 3 days, she is looking like this:


Nutrients have been added at 0.5 recommended strength and I will adjust based on what the plant is telling me from now on.
pH: 5.9
Air temp: 24.4°C
Water temp: 22.5°C
RH: 70%
Next page: Day 7
Previous page: Day 0 MKII


I Like RQS never had any trouble with them. I also like cobs, good luck.

Cheers bud ;)
My first Photoperiod and I am going to try and fill the tent with it.
Was considering mainlining, but I think instead that I will just top it after 4 full nodes, LST it flat and run 8 branches that way. Some LST and a SCROG net and it should be good to go...
but I think instead that I will just top it after 4 full nodes said:
A man after my own heart. although I prefer 4 plants scrog.
I did just attempt a singleton, but the plants just didnt want to grow wide enough to make it a viable/efficient/profitable grow. probably my own impatience. :smoking:S o back to 4x scrog. I find it the most efficient way to use my small space and remain profitable.
Multiple plants in RDWC is a pain in the posterior unless I run 4 clo... hmmm..... :eyebrows:

i am sure you will get the results you are hoping for, the cookies gelato isnt a big plant as I understand, I think under 150m tall, but indoors and scrogged that should be a good, well spread canopy with LST and topping.

i look forward to watching how it goes.
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i am sure you will get the results you are hoping for, the cookies gelato isnt a big plant as I understand, I think under 150m tall, but indoors and scrogged that should be a good, well spread canopy with LST and topping.

i look forward to watching how it goes.

According to the data sheet for it, Indoor height is 90 - 130 cm.
In a 4x4, that leaves me 50cm of lateral, scrog netted, growth before the plant gets too close to the walls and I flip it, so 40 - 70cm of vertical growth left then in flower.
Should be big enough if I look after her well.
According to the data sheet for it, Indoor height is 90 - 130 cm.
In a 4x4, that leaves me 50cm of lateral, scrog netted, growth before the plant gets too close to the walls and I flip it, so 40 - 70cm of vertical growth left then in flower.
Should be big enough if I look after her well.

seems like good math:smoking:
Think exactly the same way, @Corum59 and I have had this discussion before, I'm way to insecure to just grow one, need back up but wishing you every success because they do say where there's a will there's always a big fat way

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