UN-Completed... RQS Green Gelato Auto - Ravinder & Tabrouka

My best mate's hubby asked me to look after his girls up (2 plants and one cat) in the north and being in the countryside at the mountains feet, I just couldn't say no. In the meantime, my flatmate was nice enough to look after my own baby girl following my instructions. (Well, he knows I always show my appreciation haha)

However, when I arrived at the house and my mates were already gone, I only found one of the girls, and it weren't the plants if you know what I mean (meaow) I proceeded to call my mates, who told me that finally he didn't have time to start the seeds and he forgot to send me a video explaining where everything was ("hey mate, so the tent is here, the soil is there, the light here, enjoy!")


Oh well, in the end, it gave me the opportunity try a new strain, and a Sativa, which I haven't tried with success yet. So there we go...

Weather here is different, drier but with colder temps at night and hotter when really hot

Had to do this in a rush so 2 seeds in a glass of water for 4hrs, then as it's a bit cold here, I put the seeds in humid paper towels in a tupperware over the computer at an average of 21 degrees C. 72hrs later, big arse tap roots, both in a small pot previously filled with water. Biobiz allmix with perlite 1/5

Here I be working with a 2x2 tent, spiderfarm 600, one small 15w fan, and a ceiling Samsung aircon unit that helps me stay above 19 C at night
Next page: Seedling Stage
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Haha, yes! My mate's been doing alright. Started the same formula but with 30g of EasyBoost, and the result seems much better that my plant back home...
(He didn't really get the LST thing, but well, he's got more bud than me so I'll juste shut the ...)

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