First Grow of 2022 - Double Grape (Auto) & O.G. Kush (Auto)

This is my first Autoflower grow and my second grow overall.

This run is Mephisto Double Grape and Seedstockers O.G. Kush (Auto).

I planted the seeds in the soil on 12/29/21 to see if that would work without germinating first. I'm using tall 5-gallons fabric pots with a mixture of FFHF, FFOF, Brut Super Soil, and a mix of vermiculite and perlite. I made a fist-size pit in the center of the pots and sprinkled Great White all around then added in a handful of seeding mix with a little more Great White. I dampened the center area with a light mix of Tribus, MSA, and Mr. Fulvic. Before that, I dampened the soil to ideal conditions to set up my BluMat Moisture meters.

Today, I added in the BluMat carrots. One carrot goes deep and feeds 3 additional drippers. On a separate waterline, I have 1 ea of the shorter carrots to water at the stem.

See my attached photo for more details.

Grow 2 Set Up.jpeg


Day 11 (AM) - Photo Update

Below: This is just a side-by-side to compare growth rates at 11 days old. Double Grape has stayed slow and steady.


Double Grape trying to get taller than the sensor.


O.G. Kush hit the ground running, with good spread and node development.


O.G. Kush continues to slowly push upward. You can see by the clearance, growth is happening.


O.G. Kush - Good symmetry.


O.G. Kush - An angled look at development.


O.G. Kush - A closer look at the business end.

For those of you who may be curious about the BluMat Soil-Moisture Sensors, this graphic is from their
operator's manual. If you look at the end of the spec sheets that I post, you will see "H2O Mb."

For instance, this AM my DG was 82 and the Kush was 95.

Unless the plant tells me differently, I'll water/feed again once the meter goes above 120Mb.

BluMat Sensor Ranges.png
Day 12 - Thoughts

(1) I've changed up my stats grid to add:
(a) Desired RH% (based on Leaf Temp)
(b) Desired Leaf VPD based on Temp
(c) Status VPD

Status VPD is to have the following categories:
(1) Perfect (when in the range on VPD chart)
(2) High Critical
(3) High Danger
(4) Low Critical
(5) Low Danger

This graphic represents "my" scale for the "Status VPD" column:

Based on Leaf Temp and RH%

VPD Scale.png


Day 12 (PM) -- Thoughts and Decisions

Gave a light soil feeding with Mr. Fulvic, MSA, and a hint of Tribus. I mixed it with 435 ppm of Jacks 3-2-1. In total it was about 8 oz in each pot.

Added Nutrients back into reservoir. Will post final PPM & pH tomorrow.

Raised lights up 2 inches to lower PPFD from 775 to 682 on the Double Grape ... 833 down to 737 on the OGK.

I think I damaged a leaf when I was measuring with the yard stick. That is unless someone knows if that is a critter's work.

O.G Kush continues to steadily grow.


O.G Kush -- New Life continues


O.G Kush -- I think I did this to the leaf. Let me know if this is the work of Pot Invaders.


Double Grape is slow and steady.
OGK is only 5.5 in tall, but is 13 inches wide as of this AM.



Double Grape is 3.5 inches tall and 7.75 inches tall as of this AM.

End of Day 17 - Update

Today was mostly event-free. I did give a slight foliar spray in the AM on top of the leaves and underneath in the PM.

Foliar included: pH'd water (6.5), Tribus, Super Thrive (just using it up), Mono-Silicic Acid (MSA - available Silicon) and Natural Wet (wetting agent).
All ingredients were very low level.

Other notes:
  • Soil is drying up nicely. I did notice the BluMat Drippers was working at the base of the stem. Although, I have not seen the Distribution Dripper work yet. The drippers are connected to a much deeper carrot.
  • If the outer carrots/drippers are not watering by in the morning I am going to do a feed at about half Jack's 3-2-1 nutrients, along with some MSA, Tribus, Mr. Fulvic, and some kelp.

Day 17 Photos

These photos are not all that interesting, but I did want to put some focus on the stem and node growth. I'm very happy so far with the closeness of the internodal spacing. The OGK is really growing a nice trunk for barely into the 3rd week. It's night and day, so far, between the Double Grape and O.G. Kush. DG will catch up soon enough.

I am including an obligatory tiny hand / big leaf photo. I'm hoping this plant doesn't grow into these leaves.


OGK - Making me think this 5-gallon pot is going to turn out like an angry Hulk's shirt and pants.


Double Grape - Getting Close to covering the pot.


OGK - Nodes are filling well and close together.


OGK Trunk - Filling In Nicely.


OGK - More internodal growth

Day 18 (AM) - First Sign of Possible Trouble in Paradise

Does anyone want to take a gander at this symptom?

I doubt it is overwatering. I'm also diligent with pH. I have been running my nutrients levels light (350 ppm) until the soil showed signs of weakness. I eased the reservoir up to 550 or so today. So, I doubt it is a lock-out just yet.

My guess is that now is the time to bring them up to the recommended strength for Jack's 321. The micros are in Part A, and the Ca (Calcium Nitrate) is in Part B.

Cracking Leaves.JPG
End of Day 18 Stats & Notes:

Today, these two got to put on their big-girl panties and get a full dose of dinner.

I upped Jack's 3-2-1 to about 895 ppm (EC 1.79). I have this in the reservoir as a backup, as I still intend to water/feed by hand when the soil-moisture meter gets past 120 mB. My thinking, says this intermittent semi-dryness will give the roots the gumption to explore a bit more of their pot.

I noticed my first leaf indicators that something rattled their cage. I'll post more pics down below.

I posted a pic similar to this a little earlier. However, in that pic, the second crack hadn't formed yet (to the left).


After I found the spots on the OGK, I looked around the plant and found another indicator.


This pic is just me being gobsmacked by the size of these OGK leaves. If they keep this up I'll be able to use them in the Garden of Eden.


In this last pic, I finally upgraded my pH & EC meter. I went with this Apera PC60 (all in one).



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Day 19 (PM) - Quiet Day

Very little changed today. Although, Double Grape decided to make a move regarding her width.

They were treated to some soil amendments yesterday, but the Moisture Meters are coming back to a drier reading already.

I bought a new product (it arrived today) called UltraBio Soluble Powder from a company called HydroGro. If you are a fan of Recharge or any other microbiome amendment you should take a look at this. It was $24 a pound and that included shipping ... right from their website.


The following is from their website, check out the ingredients.

UltraBio soluble probiotic concentrated powder is a complex of probiotic and biostimulant technologies wrapped in one. Through a proprietary formulation process, it contains billions of important soil microbes such as Endo/Ecto Mycorrhizae. It includes Beneficial Bacteria, Trichoderma, high carbon-based Humic acid, Fulvic acid, and organic nitrogen that delivers essential Amino acids and Peptides.

All of these natural pro-biological ingredients provide a multi-faceted approach to building a robust soil rhizosphere that produces hardy plant life. This synergistic approach to revitalizing the soil rhizosphere and stimulating root and plant growth offers a vast array of benefits. UltraBio will not burn and is suitable for all crops and plants including trees, ornamentals and vines.

  • Improves microbial life of soil by adding billions of microbes to the rhizosphere
  • Stimulates and strengthens root growth and improves natural disease resistance
  • Provides organic carbon and beneficial bacteria for feeding soil microbes
  • Improves abiotic and biotic stress tolerance
  • Enhances plant growth & vigor by improving nutrient uptake
  • Increases blooms, fruit quality and increases yield potential
  • Reduces transplant shock of transplanted crops, trees, vines and shrubs

GENERAL USE: All rates below are general in nature. Mix 2-3oz of UltraBio powder with 2 gals of water. Lightly stir/agitate for a few seconds. Use the mix to water near the root area as a root drench OR 4oz to every 4-5 gals of water to make a solution to add into irrigation. 16-24oz of powder with a sufficient amount of water to uniformly cover one acre.

Cuttings and Bare Root Drip: 2-3oz per gal of water.

Banded or Row Application: 2-4oz per 1,000 ft row in a sufficient amount of solution.


soluble powder is the finest, most comprehensive bio-inoculant available.

Genus Bacillus (46 Species)
Genus Psuedomonas (6 Species)
Genus Streptomycetes (7 Species)
Genus Trichoderma (6 Species)
Endomycorrhizal Fungi (4 Species)
Ectomycorrhizal Fungi (7 Species)

Organic Nitrogen.....5% water soluble
Derived from Soy Protein Hydrolysate
Containing 18 Amino Acids and Peptides

Humic Acid.........................2 7%
Fulvic Acid.........................1 1%
Derived from Leonardite

Endomycorrhizal Fungi:
Glomus Mossae, 1,133 propagules per lb
Glomus Intraradices 1,133 propagules per lb
Glomus Fasciculatum 1,133 propagules per lb
Glomus Clarium 565 propagules per lb
Glomus Monosporum 565 propagules per lb
Microaggregatrim 565 propagules per lb

Ectomycorrhizal Fungi:
Rhizopogon Tinctorius 11,250 spores per gram
Rhizopogon Villosulles 625 spores per gram
Rhizopogon Luteolus 625 spores per gram
Rhizopogon Amyylopogon 625 spores per gram
Rhizopogon Fulvigleba 625 spores per gram

Rhizbial Microorganisms:
Bacillus Subtilis 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Licheniformis 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Firmus 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Megaterium 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Pumulis 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Bacillus Coagulans 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Peanibacillus Polymyxa 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Paenibacillus Durum 12,500,000 CFU per gram
Pseudomonas Putida 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Pseudomonas Fluorescens 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Streptomyces Lydicus 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Streptomyces Griseus 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Trichoderma Reesei 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Trichoderma Harzianum 2,500,000 CFU per gram
Day 19 (PM) - Stats

As I mentioned in the previous post, pretty quiet day overall. These are my numbers from today.

Day 21 - AM - FIM Day














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Day 23 (AM) - Medieval Times

I posted the warning because the following photos could "trigger" AutoFlower purists. Not only did I FIM recently, but today I went "medieval on their ass." (Pulp Fiction reference 4:10 in, but enjoy the whole scene: Video Link (Click Here) Pulp Fiction - Basement Scene). :yoinks:

I chopped giant fan leaves, super tucked, as well as bound and gagged the poor O.G. Kush.

I may have hurt potential yield, but I sure had a good time. :woohoo1:

In all seriousness, my goal was simply to open up future bud sites to more light. Tucking those meat-handling hand-sized fan leaves was just not working. :wall:

Day 24 (AM) - Stats Update

After today, my stats will stop tracking height and width and some other categories that never really change much.

Since the plants are now cut and contorted into max potential bud sites the physical dimensions no longer serve a purpose.




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