Roll With The (many) Punches- My Continuous Grow

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The purpose of this blog is to unburden myself of guilt. Yep, that’s right the purpose of this blog is to even the score for the karmic debt which is the result of playing favorites. Let me explain...As a new (first time) grower I have made a concerted effort to document my “maiden voyage” so to speak. It wasn’t much more than 2 weeks into my first grow that I dropped my seeds for my second (phase of) grow, with plants now growing for the third and fourth phases as well. Needless to say that as I have been taking glamour shot, after glamour shot documenting my inaugural grow, I have been neglecting the girls from the subsequent phases/grows. I am certain that a simple review of the images from my previous blog entries would provide an abundance of examples where the younger siblings are relegated what amounts to stand-in roles in the background, while the eldest girls basked in the limelight of their staring roles. So yes, the purpose of this blog, through documentation of each new grow (phase), is to unburden myself of the guilt I have as the result of being a bad parent. Most importantly I am hopeful that by documenting these current and future grows I will no longer see myself as a Disney evil step-parent or even worse a glorified “pageant dad”, (imagine a scene from one of those cable shows where an overbearing parent is chastising one sibling for not being good enough servant for their elder sister, whom can do no wrong). Being a “PageantParent” is not a good look and is certainly no way to go through life.