Organic Run #1: 3 Bears OG, Northern Lights, and Sweet Deep Grapefruit

Blog details

Going to change it up a bit and start blogging with the journal feature rather than a thread. This will house documentation for my first proper organic grow.

  1. 3 Bears OG by Mephisto - The first strain I ever grew. I'm a fan of indicas and looking forward to revisiting this since I've learned a lot since the last time I tried her. My first 3BOG plant yielded about 5 grams. :doh:
  2. Auto Northern Lights by Southern Oregon Seeds - Another of my first attempts; and a favorite strain. The strain was my first successful grow, but I put her through hell and the end result suffered. Looking forward to doing right by her this time.
  3. Sweet Deep Grapefruit by Dinafem - Came as a lone freebie with my SOS order. Excited to try a Dinafem strain and have heard a lot of good about the highs on this one.

Medium, Food, and Water
I'll be growing indoors in a mix of Fox Farms Happy Frog, Roots Organic Greenlite, and Build-a-Soil Build a Flower in 7 gallon fabric pots. My mix was recommended by the good @Tom Bombadil, so I'll be following his playbook for the most part to see if I can get through without any major hiccups. Also incorporating a lot of advice received from @WildBill and @Sour D I'll be feeding with some molasses, bokashi, and a couple compost teas as necessary; and top dressing with some barley straw & more build a flower as the plants tell me they need it. Some other basics thrown in as necessary: Mycos, a bit of compost, and maybe some worm castings if my farm comes together before this grow is over.

Will be using well water possibly diluted down with RO a little. My well water is exceptionally hard, and I just don't want to crust up my pots too bad.

They'll be starting life in a 2x4x6 closet tent, but I intend to move them to a 5x5x7 tent near the time for flower - so that they have more room to sprawl. I'm officially foregoing stealth precautions as of this grow, so will pull the carbon filter and begin venting directly outside when the tent transfer takes place. I'm building a custom insert for one of my windows so that I can replace the flyscreen with an acrylic panel and vent the exhaust through a flange build into it.

In both setups, they'll be under my brand new HLG 350R. Super excited to take this upgrade for a spin.

More details in individual entries, but hopefully this overview gives a good idea of what I'm going for. Will be posting my first update as soon as I have more than a few cups of dirt to take pictures of. :toke:
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