ND3 Organic Outdoor Grow (Six Shooter)

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Going to try something a little different from my other two grows.

Seed: Six Shooter from FastBuds

5 gal fabric pot

Bottom 3rd filled with FF Strawberry Fields mixed with 2 Tbls FF Cavern Culture. Strawberry Fields already has some phosphorous in it and the Cavern Culture has even more phosphorous along with good bit of calcium.

Remainder of pot filled with 50/50 mix of FF Strawberry Fields with FF Happy Frog along with 2 Tbls of Nature's Living Soil Autoflower Blend.

Let sit for two weeks inside of storage shed outside. Watered with 2L of conditioned tap water. I have hard water so I added two drops of Seachem Prime to condition the water, i.e., remove the chlorine and chloramine and then added some Recharge. Back into the shed to 'cook for a while longer.

I'm in Aridzona and temps will be heading to the mid 80’s - low 90’s next week. Night time temps should be in the mid 50's to the 60's.

I'll leave it outside during the day then place it in the storage shed (locked) at night. Aridzona just legalized recreational weed and they have some strict laws regarding how we can grow.

I will be using conditioned tap water throughout this outdoor grow.

Six Shooter.jpg