First Grow: Northen Light for Newbies! :)

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Hey guys, hope you all safe and doing great! :woohoo1:

The Quarantine
It is pretty hard nowdays not to land in this amazing community of growers if you are in quarantine and have just plenty of free time to experiment new things! "Uhmmm, why not to try to grow something...?!?" I asked myself that day of month ago... :smoking:

The Mission
Spent a while googling around for some infos and how-tos considering my VERY low gardening skills. It didn't require much time for me to realize that there's much more than just planting a seed and making the rain dance... Soon I understood that I had to collect the right informations, study the situation and do things the right way! One day I was still googling around :smoking: when I finally landed here and it was on that day of a month ago that I really started understanding how deep is the den of the white rabbit! :biggrin:

Thanks to you guys I managed to acquire the basic knowledge to enter the world of cultivation and with time I will learn and perfect my technique, especially thanks to your valuable advice!

Growbox: 80x80x180 Dark Street from Secret Jardin (1x intake 1x exaust).
Air Treatment: Blauberg BiTurbo 10cm 187m3/h + active carbon filter 250 m3/h, Humidifier, Inkbird IHC-200.
Lights: Spider Farmer Sf-2000
Tools: Hygrometer, Soil pH/rH tester, Water pH tester (strips).

That's all for now guys! Good day&ppp to you all, now let's grow something! :smoking:
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