First Coco/hydro grow.

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My friends call me Stroke. Just realized how bad Stroke and the number 1 sounds when you put them together. Oh well, can't change it now lol.

I'm not new to growing, but I am definitely a noob grower who has grown plants to completion even though the yields were shit. I would like to drastically improve my skills. I've been taking in a plethora of info from you guys already , but haven't really implemented much of the info yet. I hope to improve my yield weight and quality beyond mediocre to good. I would appreciate any constructive feedback that you all could give to me.

This is my first Coco/Hydro grow and I really don't want to screw it up. I am only running two plants at the moment. I want to try to give these two plants the best conditions that I can provide/afford and would like to get a fairly decent yield without pulling out all of the stops so, this first run is an experiment.

I will be documenting my grow and updating with pics weekly as well as documenting daily temps, reservoir ph, reservoir temp, RH, etc.

The first seed is an Auto Gorilla OG from Short Stuff seeds.

The second seed is a Killer Kush F1 fast version photo from Sweet Seeds.

I plan to run these plants on an 18/6 light cycle through the completion of the Auto Gorilla then switch the Killer Kush to 12/12 when the Gorilla is ready for harvest.

know this auto/ photo combo is not ideal, but I had several other autoflower seeds that didn't pop and all I had left was the KK photo so I ran it.

I had a ton of trial and error getting started, which is what made me want to start this grow journal. Because of that, I'm already 2 weeks into the grow.

The Gorilla is on day 16 and the KK is on day 8.

Again, I appreciate any feedback, but go easy on me. I'm a noob!

I will put the full breakdown of equipment, nutes, medium etc. below.

Tent- 3x3x5
Lights- Two 3500k AutoCobs from Shout out to BigSm0! One Viparspecra 450.
Medium- House and Garden Coco Coir amented with about 10-15% pearlite.
Nutrients- House and Garden COCO A&B, Real Growers Recharge, General Hydroponics Rapid Start, Armor SI, and Liquid KoolBloom.
RH- Running a cheap humidifier from Amazon that has a built in humidistat. So far its been reliable.
Ph- Cheap tester from Amazon.
Tds meter- cheap tester from Amazon.
Inline fan- running a 4 inch exhaust fan with carbon filter.
regular 4 inch fan for circulation.
Heat and ambient temp controlled with thermostat.
Seeds- Auto Gorilla OG from Short Stuff seeds and Killer Kush F1 fast version photo.
Pots- 3 gallon fabric.
Running distilled water but will be switching to tap. TDS in my tap is 131. I think it will be okay.
I'm running a Flora flex drip system with a 16 watt submersible pump, which is hooked up to an automated timer.
plants are fed to slight run off (drain to waste) at 7am, 10am, 1pm, 4pm, 7pm and 10 pm.
Dark period is from 12am-6am.

Today's report
Auto Gorilla OG Day 16
Killer Kush Day 8
High temp - 83
Low temp - 71
High RH - 65%
Low RH - 48%
Reservoir PH- Increased from 5.56 to 5.93- I believe that this is caused by the distilled water. Not sure.
Reservoir current temp. 68 degrees.

Auto Gorilla OG

Killer Kush f1 fast photo


Flora Flex system fed from pump. This system is meant for 4 plants but I'm only running 4 lines instead of 8 because I'm only running two plants.

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