1st Attempt at Growing. FastBuds Forbidden Runtz

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Hi everyone,

This is my first attempt at growing. Any help and criticism is very welcome and appreciated!

FastBuds Forbidden Runtz
5x5 room (passive intake from temp conditioned house) with 8" AC Infinity exhaust fan and filter
Spider Farmer SF4000
Mother Earth 70/30 coco/ perlite
GH Trio - Rapid Start - Calmag

Day 1 (germination):
Lightly soaked Root Riot cubes with distilled water Ph'd down to 6
Took seeds out of package and placed directly into cubes using tweezers
Put cubes in slightly vented humidity dome
Put dome on top of heat mat set at 79 degrees F
Put setup in 5x5 grow room.
Hygrometer inside dome reading: Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%

Day 2 and 3 (germination):
Just misted the cubes with water slightly and kept everything else the same.

Day 4 (germination)
First one started poking through in AM, second one in PM. Put 6500k CFL bulb in reading lamp 5 inches above cubes
Everything else the same. Humidity dome still on, heating mat still on, still misting cubes when dry

Day 1 (seedlings)
Both seedlings above ground now.
Got rid of heating pad. Cut large rectangle in top of humidity dome to allow direct light and air in.
Turned on Spider Farmer SF4000. 9000 Lux, 27 inches above seedlings. Running light 24 hours.
Turned on room fan, heater and humidifier to keep conditions at Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%
Bubble bucket of tap water had been aerating for over 24 hours. PH 8 / PPM 220
Ph'd water down to 5.8 / PPM now at 229
Added small amount of Rapid Start - PH up to 5.9 / PPM up to 240
Misted cubes with this mixture.
Prepped two 5 gallon fabric pots of Mother Earth 70/30 coco/perlite

Day 2 (seedlings)
Both seedlings looking good. Tap roots coming out of the bottom of both cubes
Transplanted cubes from dome into 5 gallon fabric pots of Mother Earth 70/30 coco/ perlite
Fed each plant one cup of tap water/Rapid start mixture - PH 5.9 - PPM 240. Started at root and circled outwards using small mixing cup with spout.
(Feeling a little nervous and unsure of how much water to give. Want to avoid overwatering. Focusing on keeping root area damp and circle outwards somewhat)
Put humidity domes on top of seedlings now in 5 gallon pots.
Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%

Days 3,4,5 (seedlings)
Seedlings still look pretty good. Center of leaves looks slightly lighter than outside of leaves (see pictures). Does this look ok? 20210626_204445.jpg
Keeping the humidity domes on top of seedlings about half the day. Humdifier on all day. Light keeping the room pretty warm (too warm sometimes).
Thought seedlings looked stretched on days 3 and 4 so lowered light to 24 inches, still on 9,000 lux. Running light 24 hours.
Brought light back up to 27 inches day 5, increased lux to 14,000. 20 hours on, 4 hours off
Feeding each plant one cup of tap water/Rapid start mixture once a day (PH 5.8/PPM 240). Focusing on keeping root area damp and circling outwards
Average temp - 77 F / Average RH - 67%
May have to install ac unit to offset heat from light once lux are increased.

Al pictures from today which is day 5 of seedlings



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