A Critical Reminder from Mau

The Reminder:

Earlier this year, a friend of mine called me over to see his first indoor grow. There they were. Five beautiful Critical plants growing in this ghetto ass makeshift growbox of his. #SoProud.

I inquired where he'd acquired the seeds, and he informed me that he'd purchased them from Nirvana.

Of course he did! How could I have let myself forget about these guys?

Over a decade since I'd ran Nirvana's Ice, and I was being reminded of how long the real O.Gs have been putting in their all to help spread the healing.

Having already decided I wanted to grab some new gear, I hopped over to the site to check it out right then and there.

I picked up a breeder pack for myself as they were on sale for like 11 bucks.. and that's not where it ended; but that is where this story begins.


Off To A Critical Start

After almost two months from when the breeder pack first arrived, the 5 seeds were finally dropped into water for their prep-soak.


As always, the first twenty-four hours were the longest.


After their prep-soak, the seeds were dropped into jiffy pellets since they hadn't yet shown their tap roots.

The first seedling sprouted on the second day after being placed in the starter pellet.

I lied about the first twenty-four, though. They weren't so bad. The next day, day 3, slowly crept by without any activity under the dome; and so it was slightly adjusted to allow for airflow and for the first seedling to begin to acclimate.


Day four started with a pleasant three new starts; and just one left to go!


Things were picking up; and I was reassured that I would be seeing this run through as planned! Or so I thought...

A Critical Surprise

Had it not been for this wonderful thing we call the internet, I would have not known what to do with what was coming.

With only one seedling left to pop, the ones that had sprouted were put into solo cups with the left over Performance Organics container mix, together with the controls for the MiracleGrow on 34th Street.


On the fifth day from the soak, the fifth bean popped.


I couldn't believe my eyes. So, I googled "2 plants 1 seed"; and sure enough, I had twins.


Thanks to a Critical Surprise, the series was off to a really interesting start; and two of the three sections of the 3-in-1 were filled.



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