Can you tell us more how did you germinate the seeds ?
Some of the people claimed problems with germination of the seeds, we noticed people utilised different techniques, conditions, times and even supplementary products and soils. All these factors should be taken into consideration while germinating the seeds. We do the germination tests in humid paper towels, placed in dark place for 3-7 days in temperature of 20-22C. These are the optimal conditions for germinating Cannabis seeds. We do not recommend germinating seeds directly in the soil or your own "super soil" mixes. A germination test performed in the paper towel give you an option to control what is happening with the seed and evaluate the germination properly, while in the soil it might be problematic.
Some of the users encountered trouble, others came out with 100% success rate. This is why we usually advice a universal germination technique which is used in the laboratories.
As for the Green Monster Plant - The plant might have not developed very fast due to delicate source of light you have used (50W ? correct me if im wrong). Transplanting autoflowering plants is best avoided, in some occasions it might stun the growth and limit their final size. Eventhough autoflowering strain contain the ruderalis genetics within the line to make them independent from the day lenght, it might happen that few seeds do not receive ruderalis genes in portion big enough to induce the autoflowering reaction. In theory the seed you had might also develop into what we call "Fast Flowering" version of the strain, in this case it might require the switch do 12h day to induce the flower production. If that is the case the plant should finish the blooming cycle significantly faster. We encourage you to try to induce flowering in this plant by switching it to short day if it is possible for you. If this solution does is not working for you, we can offer you a replacement seed from the same strain to ensure you have one more attempt at this one. In this case it might be occurance of this sort, we observe these plants not more often than 1/1000.
When did you switch the light to 12/12 on the green monster plant ? how many days ago ? if it is a genetic mix between feminised and autoflowering, they still need a shorter day to induce flower production, in this case you should count flowering time as from the change of light.