Live Stoner Chat You may call me G.

Best intro that I have ever read, bar none! I gave you some reputations points for it.

I can relate with so much of what you wrote. Not in a wheelchair yet, but close due to my back being so wore out.

I can personally verify what archie stated above concerning Green Dragon Tincture. I live on it. @912GreenSkell can also vouch for its efficacy, as he is another chronic pain sufferer.

Looking forward to following along with your growing adventures.

Awe, thank's a ton, Stickman! I'm guessing that rep points is a very good thing so I can definitely dig it! I've already bragged to the wife that I have more rep than she does. "Oh that's nice, baby," she says, rolling over to go back to sleep. Not the effect I was hoping for. Like, maybe a cup of coffee. Guess I'll have to go all snooze alarm on her.

Not that I need her to make my coffee, of course... Wait, yes I do. I'll just stop that fib before it even gets started. Her coffee game is far superior to mine.

My wife rode horses competitively her entire life in open jumping and three-day eventing and it has taken its toll on her knees, and back. She feels more of what I call the "Daily Suck" than I do just due to the nature of me being a high-functioning quadriplegic. So, I live up close and personal and witness first hand what a wore out back can do to one's quality of life. She is an ovary cancer survivor but she will tell you without hesitation that her knees and back is far more painful than her cancer ever was.

Fight that fight, Stickman! I've never been one to sugar-coat. Stay out of that damned wheelchair as long as it is humanly possible! But I know I don't have to tell you that.

I'll be checking out the Green Dragon Tincture, for sure. My wife has ZERO insurance and we are perpetually paying Doc bills monthly just to pay for her blood-works. What she needs are relief and medicine. She has never been a smoker, although she vapes stuff like strawberry milk and such because it tastes yummy but that is about the extent of her inhalant exposure.

I'm on the other end of the spectrum. My spinal cord was shredded from C1 to C7 so I am what is known as an "incomplete" meaning my cord was not severed this is good because it gave me the ability to keep my triceps for full arm extension as well as a number of other tid-bits and feelings, but bad because I am forever in a state of spinal shock. My nerve endings are wildly charged as they search for what is going wrong and this relayed to my brain as immense shooting painful burning sensations throughout my fingertips up to my neck. Sometimes it lasts for seconds, other times minutes, around the clock 24-7 and I won't even talk about my leg spasms, all of us paralyzed folk suffers the inevitable leg spasms. If anything else it makes for a show to behold at the local steak-house. So, that makes up for all the nights I quake myself awake.

I fancy myself a writer of sorts, and while I have never had anything ever fully relieve the nerve damage pain I experience, cannabis has made it far more bearable and my spasms are completely gone. Anyone who lives in great amounts of pain will tell you that it takes precedence in most of their waking hours so it clouds a lot of facets of life, and for me, the number one thing affected is my focus, drive, and creativity. What I found out when I first started smoking was that it lifted that veil and gave me a spark of creativity that I never knew I had. That was a game changer for me. I know I'll never walk again, but as long as I could sit there and write without thinking about the pain. That was everything to me. These last four years that I have not even had so much as a hit is all I neede to reaffirm in my mind... That cannabis has never, nor never, be a bad thing. And I can not wait till my wife gets to experience this.

So sorry, Stickman that I turned this into a book. Hopefully if anything it at the very least it took your mind off your back for a minute or two.

Smoking has moderate effect for my pain, but tincture is a whole other world of intense effects! Changed my life!!
Hey, 912GreenSkell. I do believe you were one of the first posts I read here at AFN. The art of teaching yourself to be a better grower. I am doing my due diligence on the Green Dragon Tincture to be sure. And I am pleased as punch that you stopped into my thread. Thanks a bunch!

A quote I once read about rice if I am not mistaken... A billion people can't be wrong.

Green Dragon Tincture, can't be wrong!
Hey G and welcome to AFN my man, you have chosen the right site for the auto flower. They don't know what they are talking about on those other sites ;)

Thank you for your story I do like to read how people got into this hobby / necessity for them, its always harder to read the medical story's ... me, I was influenced by the bad kids at school... no wait a minute I was that bad kid ;)

Need any help just tag me (@Slater) and I will do my best to point ya in the right direction or try not to give you bad advice... gonna jump into your grow and see whats what

Have fun my man, here we saved ya some on the welcome joint

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Hey, Slater! Nothing wrong at all with being the bad kid! Especially when they have associated themselves with one of the greatest movies of the past thirty years. I appreciate the welcome and will be fully open to any and all help/advice I can get. I'm still learning the [HASHTAG]#tag[/HASHTAG] game and I believe I really need to work on my signature next. I am guessing I can add users to follow as well? So much to learn, so much fun!
Welcome GG

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Nice intro! - You're partial to a bit of the ole' typing i see! :D
I think you'll make some good friends here who can definately (or sometimes defiantly) help you along the way!

Here's a bit more of that rep slappin' for ya .... and don't worry - she'll notice when those points start racking up!!


.. And a song

Happy Growing
All the best

Blue ^_^
Welcome GG

:welcome: :welcome: :welcome:

Nice intro! - You're partial to a bit of the ole' typing i see! :D
I think you'll make some good friends here who can definately (or sometimes defiantly) help you along the way!

Here's a bit more of that rep slappin' for ya .... and don't worry - she'll notice when those points start racking up!!


.. And a song

Happy Growing
All the best

Blue ^_^

The Kinks! Apeman! You get me, Blue. You really get me.

Thank you so much for the warm welcome and that rep! Ya, I like to hammer away at the ole keyboard it gives me peace. I have not hit it this hard for a few years but I am loving it. I feel like I found an old friend and we are making up for lost time. I'm a former Jarhead 86-90 so I can dig what you are saying about those defiant friends. Freinds none the less, we have to have them to make our circle complete.

Thanks again, Blue and for the song. One of my all-timers! And now my theme song. The girls will hear it every morning.
Hey, Slater! Nothing wrong at all with being the bad kid! Especially when they have associated themselves with one of the greatest movies of the past thirty years. I appreciate the welcome and will be fully open to any and all help/advice I can get. I'm still learning the [HASHTAG]#tag[/HASHTAG] game and I believe I really need to work on my signature next. I am guessing I can add users to follow as well? So much to learn, so much fun!

This thread will help you out, on your mission to figure some site stuff out.
Hey, 912GreenSkell. I do believe you were one of the first posts I read here at AFN. The art of teaching yourself to be a better grower. I am doing my due diligence on the Green Dragon Tincture to be sure. And I am pleased as punch that you stopped into my thread. Thanks a bunch!

A quote I once read about rice if I am not mistaken... A billion people can't be wrong.

Green Dragon Tincture, can't be wrong!

Seriously....grow the herb and make some green has changed my life and changed the lives of other critically injured around me. Be smart about dosing, as green dragon can be intensely potent! Sounds like a perfect treatment for your wife!!