Yes mate course i will.. just got in from work.. going take few off only 5 or 6 or so... apparently igs a 10 11 weeks strain so hopefully end this month it will be done... im goin to upload few pics aswell from iphone what iv just taken to giv u a insigt into wat iv got goin on.. its nothing special but it works for me mate.. finished 2 dp autoblueberry in december.. 3 oz of 2 plants so see what can produce of the few iv got. Minus mistakes ie leavim 2 in 1litre bottles.. derrrrrrr! LolSince you are only removing a few they will be fine,your setup/nutes look good,Keep in mind autoflowers have come a long way and are being put to the test at every turn..It used to be that topping or fimming was a big no-no,but many of our members have been using this technique for some time,your plant WILL give you a nice harvest,Do us a favor tho,after harvest let us know if the leaf removal shocked your plant..Cheers !!