Yellowing leaves week 7

Mar 29, 2016
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Hi everyone, I'm getting a bit worried about my girls.
Think different and Auto Mazar both in week 7.

2x2 tent
In canna terra pro soil plus 30% perlite.
Both were very healthy up to week 6 when I switched to hps 600w. Had some heat issues but under control now.

I've been feeding fairly heavily with biobizz 3ml grow, 2ml bloom, 3 alg, 3 heaven. Plus some cake/ mag But TD had started going quite yellow. I'm thinking I need to flush and then start on lower nutrients.

Mazar gas been quite droopy since the change over of light. I flushed her yesterday and she's perked up a little but not much.

Any advice?


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Hi everyone, I'm getting a bit worried about my girls.
Think different and Auto Mazar both in week 7.

2x2 tent
In canna terra pro soil plus 30% perlite.
Both were very healthy up to week 6 when I switched to hps 600w. Had some heat issues but under control now.

I've been feeding fairly heavily with biobizz 3ml grow, 2ml bloom, 3 alg, 3 heaven. Plus some cake/ mag But TD had started going quite yellow. I'm thinking I need to flush and then start on lower nutrients.

Mazar gas been quite droopy since the change over of light. I flushed her yesterday and she's perked up a little but not much.

Any advice?
What are the temperatures and RH in the tent now compared to the other lights? what were the other lights?
I had a mh 600w for the first 5 weeks. Temps were 28-30c with lights on and 20 lights off.

The hps and warmer weather had it up around 31c max but for the last week it's been 26-29c with an extra intake fan.

The light is way too big, just wanting to survive this one and change over to a qb for next.

Rh is about 55 - 45
I had a mh 600w for the first 5 weeks. Temps were 28-30c with lights on and 20 lights off.

The hps and warmer weather had it up around 31c max but for the last week it's been 26-29c with an extra intake fan.

The light is way too big, just wanting to survive this one and change over to a qb for next.
What has the Relative Humidity been at the different times?
I haven't really paid much attention to the humidity but it's been similar the whole time I think. Maybe as low as 35% with the new fan and 65% when it was a bit hot.
I haven't really paid much attention to the humidity but it's been similar the whole time I think. Maybe as low as 35% with the new fan and 65% when it was a bit hot.
Temperature and RH have everything to do with a plant growing poorly or thriving. For Cannabis the day temperature that is ideal is 78°F with 40% to 60% RH, night time is 68°F 40% to 60% RH. When the temperatures get higher the RH can also be higher to a point and some tropical strains can handle hot and humid periods well. For the most part when your environment gets out of range high or low the stomata begin to close and respiration stops. Without the water to carry the nutrients up into the plant the plant can starve even though the nutrients are in the root zone. If you water/fertigate while the plant stomata are shut down the roots will push some water because of the change in osmotic pressure. The leaves are not respiring so the water has no where to get out and the leaves get heavy and droop.

So I think if you get the environment dialed in closer they will be fine.
So for the last 3-5 days the temp and rh has been exactly what you recommend. Do you think the yellowing will reverse or it will just stay the same and the buds will continue to swell?
So for the last 3-5 days the temp and rh has been exactly what you recommend. Do you think the yellowing will reverse or it will just stay the same and the buds will continue to swell?
No once a leaf get all yellow they are done. Plants are still growing. They just do not look happy. Do you have a fan in your airspace? because I would expect to see leaves not drooping after 3 days in ok environment. Maybe something else going on here.

Check chart for suggested dosing.

Bio Bizz.jpg

Are you fertigating to run-off? It looks like you are in balance for these but what is cake / mag?
I think I've been over feeding for a while. I'm using canna terra professional which looks to be similar to biobizz All Mix - but I've been using 2ml grow from week 3-4 and then 3ml from week 5. But by the looks of it should have been on 1ml.
I meant to say Cal/mag not cake mag :)

With the extra nutrients I'm thinking I should flush with plain water once then start back with 1ml of grow per litre.

Does that sound right?
Ok a typo cake/mag = Cal - Mag? What is the starting PPM of your water? and how much cal-mag were you adding and yes now I am beginning agree with your opening assessment of doing a flush. There are a lot of variables in your case. Indoor growing is an intense undertaking.