Yellowing leafs with brown spots

1ml/L is the usual dosage with RO or distilled water but what your yellowing looks like is low Mg. That could be because of lockout but may just be low Mg so some Epsom Salts from the chemist wouldn't hurt and may fix you up. 1tsp/4L would be plenty and add a little S which is always good come flowering time as it helps increase resin production. Both Mg and S are in big demand during later flowering so always handy to have Epsom Salts in your nutrient arsenal.

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Hi mate thanks for the reply I did buy some a while ago (Epsom salt) is that tablespoon or teaspoon also what is s? Thanks

Teaspoon/tsp/5ml. Tablespoon/Tbsp/15ml. S is Sulphur that is the 'secret' ingredient in a a lot of bud boosters. An important element used a lot in building the aromatic molecules that give your bud it's stank. Very hard to overdose S and would more likely have the Mg in the Epsom causing problems but mostly in veg and early flower as pot wants lots of extra Mg in later flower. Another key ingredient is K, potassium. Helps plump up the buds and resin glands. Less P and N is needed after the stretch but not none.

The bitch of it is that every strain is different in it's peak needs and even different plants of the same strain need dialing in slightly different sometimes. Always get clones from any nice plants you grow in case one of them turns out to be something really special. I still kick my butt when I think about a few I've missed in the past.

1ml/L is the usual dosage with RO or distilled water but what your yellowing looks like is low Mg. That could be because of lockout but may just be low Mg so some Epsom Salts from the chemist wouldn't hurt and may fix you up. 1tsp/4L would be plenty and add a little S which is always good come flowering time as it helps increase resin production. Both Mg and S are in big demand during later flowering so always handy to have Epsom Salts in your nutrient arsenal.

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Teaspoon/tsp/5ml. Tablespoon/Tbsp/15ml. S is Sulphur that is the 'secret' ingredient in a a lot of bud boosters. An important element used a lot in building the aromatic molecules that give your bud it's stank. Very hard to overdose S and would more likely have the Mg in the Epsom causing problems but mostly in veg and early flower as pot wants lots of extra Mg in later flower. Another key ingredient is K, potassium. Helps plump up the buds and resin glands. Less P and N is needed after the stretch but not none.

The bitch of it is that every strain is different in it's peak needs and even different plants of the same strain need dialing in slightly different sometimes. Always get clones from any nice plants you grow in case one of them turns out to be something really special. I still kick my butt when I think about a few I've missed in the past.

Thanks for the info mate,I’ve added some Epsom salt hopefully it will help with the spread I’ll get looking for some sulphur!

Thanks for the info mate,I’ve added some Epsom salt hopefully it will help with the spread I’ll get looking for some sulphur!

The sulphur is in the Epsom Salts which are magnesium sulphate.
Is it ok to mix the Epsom salts with the biobizz organics or think better to give the Epsom with just water

I doubt it matters but if you are in the habit of feeding once then just watering the next time you could add the Epsom to the plain watering time.

I put everything in all at once and haven't seen any negative effects. I use AN 3-part nutes for the base and when mixing up nutes I'll put in CalMag first if it's being used then the Epsom and any other things that need to dissolve so I can make sure they are before adding liquid nutes. I'll put maybe 4L in my 11L jug to make it easier to shake that around until everything is dissolved then fill up to the level I want and add the liquid nutes.

I also pulverize some of my own supplements to add to the mix a few times each grow and some don't dissolve so constant shaking is needed to keep them in suspension while watering. A couple each of Zn citrate, Selenium, vit. B-1, vit. C (ascorbic acid) and some citric acid. Not sure how much they help but they don't seem to hurt. :)

I doubt it matters but if you are in the habit of feeding once then just watering the next time you could add the Epsom to the plain watering time.

I put everything in all at once and haven't seen any negative effects. I use AN 3-part nutes for the base and when mixing up nutes I'll put in CalMag first if it's being used then the Epsom and any other things that need to dissolve so I can make sure they are before adding liquid nutes. I'll put maybe 4L in my 11L jug to make it easier to shake that around until everything is dissolved then fill up to the level I want and add the liquid nutes.

I also pulverize some of my own supplements to add to the mix a few times each grow and some don't dissolve so constant shaking is needed to keep them in suspension while watering. A couple each of Zn citrate, Selenium, vit. B-1, vit. C (ascorbic acid) and some citric acid. Not sure how much they help but they don't seem to hurt. :)

Thanks bud