Yellow Spots - Cal mag?

:smoking: That's the ticket! I think the stupid Tariff crap has driven the price up, yu used to be able to find it for about $50,.. net search it, maybe a different company will have it at a better price... The identical unit can be had under a different name, but that may be over in the EU.... All come from the same Chinese factory!
Mine has served me well for years, but I take good care of it... Keep it inside, away from weather/T/RH%; always store clean, wiped down with a moist paper towel or cloth; buff before each use after storing with the pad it comes with to remove tarnishing. The metals are part of how it works, conducting current I think, and tarnish/corrosion will screw accuracy up...
When using:
- soil should be nice and moist, not soggy, or any kind of dry..
- test when nutes have not been added within a day, (or before you feed),....this will also skew results
- let it sit a couple minutes to stabilize; going in, it will peg-out initially, so don't freak if you see that...
- moisture meter is pretty iffy, but it can help sometimes...
- follow the other directions for best results

I have tested the A8 against my pH meter and doing a slurry test; all readings from 2 different soils were within 0.2 pH of each other, so the A8 works well enough! (0.2 is it's resolution range)
Roots Org. original is about as mild as Happy Frog, just fine for seedlings or the whole grow...
Nutes,... Greenleaf nutes MegaCrop is popular, it's a so called all-in-one full cycle nutrient... it does pretty well like this, but many users find it needs a little PK boosting during bloom, and has too much N in it for that stage... This is solved by some light supp'ing with a mild PK booster during bloom
Upside: simplicity and complete coverage of basics and nice supp's like humic-fulvic, Si, Kelp, amino's,... I still recommend enzymes and inoculants...
Downside: it's utterly inflexible, if you a nutrient problem, defc/toxicity, you can't tinker with things to make proper adjustments; if you reduce the MC input to try and deal with burn/toxicity, you short the plant on everything else :doh: ...if you use a PK booster, you have to either alternate with MC or lower the MC dosing to keep ppm's in range... it's a bit of a gamble, tricky...

A new company came aboard last Fall, Prescription Blend 6-part system...Showing very well and is a very nice set up; the 6 parts are smartly divided in components, allowing you to make adjustments if needed. It's also very complete, well beyond the basics most others offer unless you buy several other products to cover things like humic-fulvic, Si, micronutes, aminos, kelp,... again enzymes and inoculants are always beneficial....
Right now they have a sale! Check out their section here, read the intro for info, and if you like to try, post in the sale thread or PM Matt directly for a sale code...
Thank you, @Waira , for the wealth of information! I'll check out the Prescription Blend system as well. I need some nutes. Got some seedlings about ready to go into their real pots. I'm going to try and use what I have -- So going to put them in happy frog and just plan to feed them proper. So I need to get some feed going pronto.