New Grower Yellow mark on fan leaves

Aug 4, 2021
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Hey all, new grower here looking for some help! Do I have something to be concerned about? Or am I being paranoid?

For some extra context, I planted these outside I late summer on a whim (I live in Ireland) after seeing a mates success but under sound advice have taken them indoors. I’m enjoying learning and under no illusions about yield (they’ve been in the cold and are definitely stunted/behind) but would like to get them over the line even for a few gs as a first attempt!

appreciate any input!


-Problem: yellow blotch on fan leaf
-Medium/grow method: soil (Cré organic, perlite/kelp). Plants were started outside but brought in under lights with poor weather here.
-Feed and supplements used: I’ve been watering very little following an early over watering mistake. Using Cré Grow (313) but feel I should have started on the bloom (216) by now.
-Water source: using tap water unknown ph since start (ph pen on the shopping list)
-Strain and age: Sticky beast (zamnesia) day 40 since sprouting
-Climate: recently moved from outdoor greenhouse where nights were as low as 13 celsius. Stable in the tent at 25c or so. Humidity v high 90%+
- Light used: LED 120w claimed 30cm from biggest girl
-Additional info: Just noticed after first day inside, elsewhere appears healthy to my untrained eye.

third leaf on the left.



before a water today
I wouldn’t be concerned about that but keep an eye on it to see if it grows or if anything similar starts appearing on other leaves. It could be as simple as a water droplet was on there and it magnified the sun on a rare Irish summer day. Or a bit of nute splash when fed. The rest of her looks healthy to me.
Thanks! Mind at ease.

We got a tease this summer in July and I thought we’d suddenly become Mediterranean. Turns out we haven’t.