Hey folks! I got some killer news! For shit's and giggles I left the Black Dragons in the Paper Towel for 3 days without really thinking about them. Then last night I saw the container and was like "oh yeah, they are still in there..." LOL So low and behold I had 2 of them with tap roots that magically appeared! This is one of the strangest things I've had happen with beans. They went from no tails to over an inch long. So I put the two in the dirt and one is already working on it's first set of true leaves! All the others are doing very well. The Bobby's and New Dragons. The anticipation of Deep Chunk with ALF #3 (I'm pretty sure that's the New Dragon parents) is just too exciting!
Dragon-Ass I don't know what to do with. She's taller then ME. She's working on being a 6 footer at this point. BUT I don't have the room for her now. With the Bucks being all fems they need their cab. I have the Dragons growing and 6 other Autos in the other cab. I don't know what the hell to do... I have her and the other 3 Jems. 2 of them are nearly 5 ft tall as well... I was thinking may be get a wardrobe box at U-Haul and make it light proof and stick them in there for 12 hours daily but shit I just don't have room for these Amazons. Plus, the Dragon-Ass is dying off it looks like. She's already dropped 3 nodes of fan leaves from the bottom up. And the yellowing is working up her like she's finishing but she never budded up... So, I'm wondering if all the stressing about her is in vain and she's just pre-pistilate.
I know I'm slacking on the picture updates... I'll try to get some up tonight. The JEMS are doing the same shit except they aren't yellowing... So I'm not sure wtf to do about these Amazons... I wish I had a tent!! or another closet LOL But we have to put our clothes somewhere! LOL Sniper was right... Just let the plants have the house and we move into the closet!