Good news bro :thumbs: How about pain relief, mood, and is it clear headed or very unfocusedDub feeds on information but I am psyched at the news my friend :booya: How was the tester taste as well? I know it wasn't cured but most of the time you can pick up undertones. Man that sch looks just like my last one! Does it smell skunky dank? :smokebuds:
Hell yeah it's good news! We LOVE it!! Pain relief? You know what... I didn't feel a thing today... Back spasms later on after I was done doing shit and it wore off but it lasted about 3 hours (the effect!). Up lifting mood!! Great mood really! Energized and wanted to get shit done. However, it does have that "what the fuck was I just gonna do" to it... LOL A few times setting the tent up I had to re focus LOL The taste is straight grape diesel. The cure will just make it insane. Right off the plant it's tasty as all hell... Grape fruity taste with Diesel overtones that are present. Not slight. It's a nice combo bro. Almost like a grape soda. The kief/trich city on the buds gives it that SNAP like a soda LOL makes ya cough like hash. VERY VERY much reminds me of the Critical Jack bro. It brought back VERY fond memories of the WOO WEE!! lol
Within the first few puffs bro you feel it in the front of your head above your eyes. Even the Wife was like DAMN. I feel it already! Can't wait for the dry and cure then smoke report!! Bro, you seriously out did yourself on this one!

beautiful bro!like the black background too
Thanks Grindin'!! I need to get a big ol' black sheet... One of these days I'll remember!!
Nice bro ....!!!
Thanks man! I need to get to your thread man... I haven't forgotten ya just shit is so crazy right now!
Looking good as usual!!If I had rep I'd give it lol !!
Thanks WVT!! Do you know how to give rep? You see those icons at the very bottom beneath your Avatar.... Looks like a Sheriff's Badge there... Click on that on the person you want to give rep too and the Rep Spread Page will pop on your screen then just read it from there... it's very simple once you see how it's done. So now you can spread the love and get love in return!!!
I never like VT. SINCE the vick days .....they had said that bout my tigers too and they couldn't play in the swamp ever!!!
Yeah I HATE Vick... as an animal lover myself you can imagine how I feel about him. I know he "paid his debt" blah blah blah... BUT I still clap and cheer when he gets blindsided and drilled into the ground. He gets his Karma every game... That I love to see. One of these days they will knock him the f*ck out of the NFL for good.
Enjoy your special SCH, Rebel! It looks great!
I'm glad to hear you're liking the CD! Doesn't surprise me, though...
Thanks Noods!! Wish I could share some with ya for real bro!! :smokebuds: Oh man you will LOVE the CD my friend... Especially the way you love the CC. I think you would benefit from the medical properties. I'm so happy I got 3 girls so I can take at different times and see in the first run how it varies from day 70 on... :smokebuds:
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