Indoor WVR'S Auto Grow

That's sweet Pher! I'll have to head down there sometime and check it out!!! Thanks Bro! I'm speaking of Cumberland, MD... before you get into the city and after... It's an awesome drive through the mountains! It's either the potomac or allegheny that go right through the town like a gorge. It's awesome.

@ GoAuto :smokebuds:
Y'all.make me fuggin jealous ...all I can say still on the fone .....maybe one day this bitch will work again really sucks
I have to give Frost Dragon #4 some Bud Candy so I'll get some shots of the ones I've been slacking on... Would like to note... Black Dragon #1 is showing color and so is Ogun's #1. Trich production on them all is awesome! I'll get some pics up later or tomorrow if I pass out lol This Critical is CRAZY. We have a new saying in the house when we are all stoned on CJ... "I'm in CCU". I don't know how it is in other countries but here CCU is the Critical Care Unit at local hospitals :crying: It also goes by the nickname "Woo Wee" because when ever we take that first hit and cough our asses off one of us always hollers "WOOOO WEEEE" :crying:

I would also like to quote a text later this evening from my Brother in Law after I dropped him off a nug and a doob. "Who says you can't get f*cked up off Autos like you do Photos! HA!" I think that about says it... :smoke:
I agree with the wooo weeee i had a purple kush in one end of my blunt and mi5 in the other and when i went through the change i was defo trying to say it after my cougthing fit
Yup Yup! Only other times I remember coughing like that is when I smoke hash... and forget about the scissor hash from trimming it!!! :no: I need an oxygen tank close by...
Yup Yup! Only other times I remember coughing like that is when I smoke hash... and forget about the scissor hash from trimming it!!! :no: I need an oxygen tank close by...

lol ive not tried any sissor hash yet :cry: But there again i havent scraped my sissors lol do you collect it every time you Trim or a few times during the trim? I carnt seem to get it off its like glue
Massive Update

lol ive not tried any sissor hash yet :cry: But there again i havent scraped my sissors lol do you collect it every time you Trim or a few times during the trim? I carnt seem to get it off its like glue

Oh man! You MUST have a go at scissor hash... I STILL have a chunk in our hash pipe from the CJ scissor hash that literally baked to the glass lol :D :bong: What I do is scrape them after I trim each plant. Even if strain is the same. If we don't smoke it up at the time of trim we put them in vials and label them for a rainy day! :smoke: Get yourself a good sharp razor blade and slice/shave that stuff right off your blades!

Here's every Auto I have right now... Don't know when I'll be headed out of town so here's every one of my ladies until I figure out what's going on outside the closet...

Frost Dragon #2
FD 2_8-27-12 1.JPGFD 2_8-27-12 2.JPGFD 2_8-27-12 3.JPG

Frost Dragon #3
FD 3_8-27-12 1.JPGFD 3_8-27-12 2.JPG

Frost Dragon #4
FD 4_8-27-12 1.JPGFD 4_8-27-12 2.JPG

Black Dragon #1 (this girl is unique... She's been yellow her entire life span. I don't know if it's me doing something wrong or genetic... Her buds have color as well)
BLKDRG 1_8-27-12 1.JPGBLKDRG 1_8-27-12 2.JPGBLKDRG 1_8-27-12 3.JPGBLKDRG 1_8-27-12 4.JPG

Black Dragon #4
BLKDRG 4_8-27-12 1.JPGBLKDRG 4_8-27-12 2.JPG

Super Cali Haze
SCH_8-27-12 1.JPGSCH_8-27-12 2.JPG

Auto Bomb (straight up Lemon Pledge :D)
AUTOBOMB_8-27-12 1.jpgAUTOBOMB_8-27-12 2.JPGAUTOBOMB_8-27-12 3.JPG

Ogun's Thunder #1 (look closely... she has color...:D)
OGUN'S 1_8-27-12 1.JPGOGUN'S 1_8-27-12 2.JPGOGUN'S 1_8-27-12 3.JPG

Ogun's Thunder #3
OGUN'S 3_8-27-12 1.JPGOGUN'S 3_8-27-12 2.JPG

Russian Rocket Fuel (I snuck this little girl in on ya :D I planted the one bean I had left of RRF and got a girl...)
RRF_8-27-12 1.JPGRRF_8-27-12 2.JPG

Cream Diesel #1
CD 1_8-27-12 1.JPGCD 1_8-27-12 2.JPG

Cream Diesel #3
CD 3_8-27-12 1.JPGCD 3_8-27-12 2.JPG

Cream Diesel #4
CD 4_8-27-12 1.jpgCD 4_8-27-12 2.JPG

Children of the Closet

Dude Fucking g lovely .......the creme diesel is Indica Ud say .......that oguns is short and fatt too Yummo
sup WVR! Glad to see you are still going strong. Ladies look great! Gotta luv those dragon genes.

Had to edit my brainfart name mixup!