Duck Commander
Bio-Bizz Organics
i know how hard it is with your farther being ill my old man has alzheimers too he also is termanly ill with cancer he too has had several heart attacks but refuses to tell any1 and doesnt go to the hospital he made me promise before his alzheimers got bad to never put him in any sort of care lol but he only live 4miles away from my home so i go there every day and sometimes 2-3 times a day. As long as your old man has the best care possible im sure everything will pan out just fine and then you wont have to worry as much he will be in good handsI'll won't be on here as much in the next few weeks... as you see I haven't been on much last few days. I was told the other day that my Father has Alzheimer's and had to be taken out of his house and put in a facility... It's a long story I really don't want to get into but he's got lots of health problems... Diabetes, he had a Heart Attack and didn't tell anyone he had one, he's had multiple mini strokes over the last 3 years... hasn't been taking care of himself... and I got to get him down here with me in a facility and straighten up a bunch a things up North. I'll try to keep things updated as much as possible... But right now life is trumping all... I know you all understand!!