WTH is this worm?

worms this size probably aren't much of an infestation.. you should be alright with picking them off.

ftr i prefer not to kill things, but my observation is that moths et c. are like salmon and birds.. they'll come back to roost in the same place each year if you let them live.
Considering what they done in 2 days it was bad enuf believe me-i lost one of my little dragons to them and 1 of my 2 pollen donor males is in quarantine. That bein said,if its in my cab and has feet or legs its in deep doodoo!
Hi bro yes Bud worm. Usually i get em growing outdoor, they're little fuckers and as you noticed their webs kinda curl the leaf over like a cacoon! I used canna cure from hydro shop and that sticks em to the leaf and your better set to pick them off. Never had them indoors touch the proverbial wood....oooo Nancy love that's tight. Good luck
Could they be cabbage looper worms? I have no idea if they attack canna, but they've been eating the shite out of my broccoli and kale.


Any rogue moths flying around your grow area lately?

I've got them on my outdoor plants, a real pain in the behind. So they do go out on cannabis. They like to hide underneath the leaves and on the lower side of buds, while at night devouring a 15CM leaf entirely.