I have relatively no experience with pests in my cab until tonite. I was checkin and feeding the clan tonite and one of my 2 week old duurty dragons had some crazy lookin web thru and around the leaves. Lookin at it close it had black spots thru the web and i could get my damn little scope to focus on it. I found two 1/2" long light green worms with a dark green stripe crawlin on the leaves and they could move! they avoided the tweezers a time or two until i got'em.Tried to take a pic but i couldn't focus that great. I ffound the same deal on one of my big pollen donor medusas-on both plants looks like they chewed some leaves. I ended up deep sixing the little duurty dragon as she was covered with this web-this all popped up in 2 days since i fed'em-they weren't there before. I took a couple of the leaves off my medusa that was affected and killed the 2 worms i found crawlin on that one.Anyone know what they are? I was thinkin loopers from a pic i saw but not sure.