"Pre- flower" pollen sacs don't "open".. And if they did, they wouldn't have pollen in them. Thus the term "pre" flower. This is a photo period plant that we were talking about.. I have never heard of, or seen a photo period plant drop pollen or start to flower while in veg. If it does, it's not a photo period. The males you had that did that were not regular photo period plants..
I'm not sure what the confusion was about, lol. but the original pics clearly showed trichomes forming on the leaves, and GG stated that there were no pollen sacs at the nodes, just pistils.. How trichomes were mistaken for pollen on the leaves, with no signs of pollen sacs, is unknown to me, lol.
@LazyNhazy Never an argument bro! It's always a "discussion", lol. I'm soo far passed all of that arguing stuff, lol. But Im confident in my knowledge and experience and love "discussions" of all sorts! Im sure you've had males form in less than 2 weeks and drop pollen.. Must have been an auto.. Which was not the case here. No photo period plant is mature enough to drop pollen or to take a sample bud to smoke from, at week 1 or 2 of flower.. It's just not possible with a normal, mature, photo period plant that I'm aware of.
@GreenGardener Im glad you waited it out and didn't cull her! Seems like she'll be a frosty son of a gun with all that early trichome production! Flowers form differently on certain plants/strains. In the first week or two of flower, some put off lots of pistils as signs of pre flower, some focus more on the bud formation first and then shoot out the pistils (that's what yours did). But you can always be sure by checking for pollen sacs at the nodes on the main stem. If no male parts are there, then you should be good to go!