Howdy cgman. The Bubblicious is a very hardy strain. It was one of my first strains here on AFN last year. I had a serious upheaval in PH and it withstood the lockout. Lately, several growers have had late flowering with the Bubble. The strain does seem to be a late bloomer, but, not always. And it can go up to 10 weeks. There are several grow journals featuring the Bubble. I believe I may have harvested a bit too early at ten weeks due to the lockout. It will, interestingly, produce the bubblegum flavor as it cures. An experienced grow mod will be along. If you want to take some action you can adjust your tap PH to get a run-off where you prefer. If your experience is best at 6.0 then let that be your guide. One of our most experienced growers here likes some acidity and goes at 6.1 to 6.3. As for the lighting, once again someone will be along--if not just post a new thread with a light specific inquiry. Look forward to your future photos---for sure. :thumbs: