Indoor WOS FEM Afghan Kush Ryder and FEM NLxBB auto in VIC's super soil grow

  • Thread starter Thread starter justme261
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First things first . . . I'd like to say Thanks to everyone on here who gives their time and effort to help and educate people like myself. If not for those people I would probably have never gotten my first seed to break ground. So thanks again to all of you guys.

Ok, a little background about me . . . this is my 6th grow. I've grown Auto White Russian, Auto AK-47, Russian Rocket Fuel, Himalayen Blue Diesel, and MI5. I have read what seems like thousands of threads on this site . . . but this is my first post.

This time is going to be a little different than my previous grows. Instead of FFOF and the FF nute Trio . . . I mixed up some of Vic's Super Soil and made one of Bruce Duleys compost Tea buckets. Hopefully,the soil will carry my girls all the way through. Also, I am running 2 strains at once . . normally I only run one strain at a time (just to keep things simple).

My setup is pretty simple . . 4x4 tent with 2 400w HPS (only 1 running currently . . . will turn the other one on if the girls need to spread out little. I have a 6 inch 600 CFM exhaust fan attached to a 550 CFM Phresh Carbon
Filter. I have a smaller cabinet running 6500K CFLs that I normally start the girls in but that many 5 gallon buckets wouldnt fit in there . . . so I just started them in the tent under the HPS. Lights on 24/0. Temps stay around 78-82.

So I presoaked my seeds in a small jar of water for about 24 hours . . . came back and gave them a little tap and they sank to the bottom. Good, its time to plant them. I filled the bottom half of my buckets with Vic's Super Soil, then filled the next in 25% with a half and half mix of Vic's Super Soil and Promix BX, then filled in the top 25 % with straght Promix BX. I left about 2 inches free at the top in case I need to top feed with some additional Super Soil later in the grow . . . I dont expect to, but better safe than sorry.

I planted my seeds about 1/2 inch down in the moistened top layer the wrapped the tops of the buckets with plastic wrap to hold in moisture and humidity . . . within 36 hours all six girls had broken ground and are on their way. I have watered them with about a quart of water every 4 days . . . they are now 9 days old (they all broke ground on 6-5).

The girls stretched a bit from being under the HPS (too far away) . . . and then 2 days later I had 2 girls topple over from being too "top heavy" after putting on a few leaves . . . I freaked out a little bit, but thanks to some advice Muddy gave another grower in another thread . . . I just pointed my fan a little more in their direction ( i thought my fan . . even on low . . would have been to harsh for the little girls . . . I was wrong.) Within, 36 hours or so . . . both are now standing proud. So thanks to "Mr. Waters" for saving 2 of my girls . . .

I also have an older AKR that is about 35 days old . . . she has had a little bit of a rough life . . . but she is a trooper. She is in straight Fafard Organic Potting Mix . . . I was out of FFOF and was mixing up Vic's Super Soil, but needed to get one girl growing while waiting on the super soil to cook for 30 days. The Fafard soil hasn't worked great for me . . . it compacts alot more than I am used to and thus stays wet a little too long for my liking . . . in hindsight I should have added some extra perlite . . . I guess we live and learn. But hopfully she will still provide some decent smoke until the other girls finish up.

Anyway, Im sure by now your tired of hearing me ramble . . . so here are a few pics (sorry about the quality . . . I am a horrible photographer and they were taken with my phone with the lights on). Ill try and do a couple of updates every week. Any and all advice is welcome . . .

Oh yeah, forgot to mention . . . in the pics, the Blue buckets are the AKR's and the White buckets are the auto NLxBB.



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Hey man and welcome to the site! I see you've done some homework. :clap: I like people that do that. :D Looking good dude, nice setup.

Mr. Waters eh? You must have already seen me around then. :lol:
Oh for sure Squid . . . even when I am reading quickly over some threads . . . If i see the Squid avatar . . . I slow down and read word for word. Always a wealth of knowledge coming from your direction. I read this one thread the other day when you were trying to help out a fellow grower . . . and suggested that his 'compost' might not be optimal for growing . . . then he wanted to start throwing stones your way . . . and the first line of your response was CLASSIC . . . I laughed about that for the next 10 minutes. Thanks for stopping by Squid.
Grrrr . . . .

Just when its seems its going to be a smooth ride . . . I come home and see this ! ! ! The bottom leaves of 1 of my AKRs are very rough looking and 1 of my NLxBB is showing early signs of the same. I read that this may happen to the bottom leaves as the roots ease into the bottom half of the soil . . . but I dont know about this. What do you guys think?? You think the soil is too 'hot' and this is the first chapter in a tragic tale where 6 baby girls are burned alive?? I think FD grows his in a similar way . . . His personal recipe doesnt seem a far jump from Vic's recipe. If you havent read his guide go check that out . . . some good stuff in there.

Any and all advice and opinions are welcome . . .

Here are some pics. (sorry about the quality . . . one day ill learn how to take a decent one.)



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Most likely your pH is off. Have you checked the soil pH or the pH of your run off? If so, what is it reading?
hey mate welcome! i have three akr's at the same stage of growth, i read fd's soil mix and didn't see any benifical microbes in the mix! is there any in your mix? check out my three girls, it may help.:peace:
Hmmm . . .

I think your spot on Muddy (thanks for the advice) . . . Watered with Distilled water of slightly under 7 and the RO was a ~5.4. What do you guys think?? A good flush with a higher PH and maybe water in some more dolomite. I added 4 cups to the orignial mix . . . but was so eager to get going that I forgot to measure the PH of the soil after the 30 day cook. First time making my own mix and forgot one of the most important things . . .Somebody kick me . . . PLEASE !!! Is the dolomite going to be too slow to help me . . . it there a quicker ammendment that will not destroy the microbes in the soil?? Seems like I remember reading a thread where Muddy was helping someone with this exact same problem (cant remember if it was an organic grow or not) . . . Im gonna see if I can find it. Still just a noob . . . Man I feel like an idiot. I hate making stupid mistakes. :cuss:

Any and all advice welcome and thanks in advance.

hey mate welcome! i have three akr's at the same stage of growth, i read fd's soil mix and didn't see any benifical microbes in the mix! is there any in your mix? check out my three girls, it may help.:peace:

Thanks for stoppin by Astro. I'll jump over and check out your grow . . . It will be good to see how these girls are really suppose to be grown . . . Im sure mine will pull through . . . just as soon as I get my head out of my ass !!! Good luck on your grow man.
Quick pics . . . Day 11

Some quick pics of day 11 since breaking ground (some good growth over the last 2 days) . . . and a couple of the older AKR (she is starting to fill in) at 37 days.

The wife is out of meds . . . the older AKR can't finish quick enough !!! :D



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Hydrated lime will raise the pH faster than dolomite. But be cautious as too much can burn the roots. I wouldn't use more than 1 tablespoon per gallon of feed, wait 4-5 days, then check the pH again and see where you're at.