Photography World of Seeds-A.K.R.,N.L.xB.B.A

Great harvest, enjoy your own work:thumbs: Slapped ya around a bit, if ya dont mind:slap:
Peace to you and yours:peace:
Nice! :thumbs: don't forget to hit up a smoke report bro! ;)
nice harvest bro!

been looking for some amnesia to look through -- glad i caught your harvest photos.



how much was the final yield?

amazing buds on that lady!
Spectacular harvest Sticky damn she looks fuckin lovely bro. Cant stop this:drool: from coming out of my mouth . Cant wait to see the final haul from this girl. Great job my friend great job indeed.:bow:
thanks every body for all of the rep and very kind words! I mean Really, thank you ALL seroiusly! now about the weight, i have not gotten that far yet as she just had been cut down yesterday, as soon as i get the dry weight in; I will in fact post it! thanks again all. I'm just thankful that i have someone to Admire my work; fore as no one around here "where I live" understands anything about growing cannabis, they just love using it... Sticky Out...

P.S. I have a question about doing SMOKE REPORTS. the question is, is that i've seen them, but i don't know if there is a spot set up for them, for like the stars and stuff, as well as questions for taste, potency, yield, etc... is there like an application "kind of like a job application, not a phone app" for doing a smoke report if somone could/would help me here, it would/will be very greatly appreciated thanks tons! Also if i can figure out to do these Smoke Reports, ima do some for more than just the Amnesia Auto
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here is the forum section for the smoke report area

there should be a stickied folder with the template and just follow em.

you can always check out the other smoke report and just copy and paste.

looking fprward to the yield and the smoke report!!

here is the forum section for the smoke report area

there should be a stickied folder with the template and just follow em.

you can always check out the other smoke report and just copy and paste.

looking fprward to the yield and the smoke report!!


yo Herbal, thanks a lot ima get some smoke reports started soon thanks 2 u. holler!!!
DSC05019.jpgDSC05023.jpgDSC05025.jpgDSC05029.jpg here she is, the last of my auto's till my photos finish up. DinaFem's Original Amnesia Auto; she is such a GIVER. The total Dry weight of this phat heffer came out to a total of 104.4 grams in which comes out to a grand total of 3.72857 ounces. not bad for 85 days of work! I am so totally going to keep doing this strain. Enjoy, Sticky Out....

P.S. almost forgot, hence the name Amnesia, im going to follow through with a good ole fashion AFN smoke report within the next couple of days; so watch for it everybody!!!