winter seed run

Im glad u guys enjoy them. Like i said any issues let me know and i will get some more out.
Well I Added a few more bender auto, auto outlaw 47 moms, and new Leelas i've been working on.
As well as a brand new f1 cross.

This is gonna be a great seed run.

We will need testers for the new F1 cross.
Under led for just a couple days I am diggin it.


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Im always down to test, but I wont be able to until I grow out those bender auto's you gave me.
The new f1 cross is an outlaw 47 auto f1? or leela auto f1?
Both actually hoping those are girls for seed.
Also trying a new style of growing see if I can lightly train the roots to trick them into thinking there in 5 gallon pots. I made this out of solo cups. I pointe the tap or main root straight down. Autos like to grow that one main tap so I figure make a tube straight up at five gallon pot length. See what happens. Kinda a shot in the dark but if this works I have an idea for an awesome pvc hydro setup. Kinda a cross between dwc and flood an drain. Would save space and money if this works.


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Has anyone done this yet?
I'd like some input if anyone might have any.
Nice Idea Kaos. I did try it with 2 32oz cup on top of each other. I just never got to see if it benifited, because it was on a girl who got messed up by the way to hot soil I planted her in unfortunately. Definitely looking forward to your results. I was expecting to get some decent size of her, but my soil was all wrong.
Say hello to the family lol.


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lol, looks like you got a lot of company."AFN smoke out"