Photoperiod Winter Greenhouse GSC Experiment

Oct 5, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Do-Si-Dos, Green Crush, Girl Scout Cookies
So I got a couple cuts from a friend who needed to thin out one of his GSC ladies pre-flower.. He was experimenting with cloning, so I decided to experiment and see if I could flower a couple cuts outside in my winter greenhouse. I don’t have particulars as to which Breeder the original plant came from, but it definitely seems to carry the right characteristics.

So using my own soil mix of my compost (more details upon request), topsoil, perlite, EW castings.. the original mix I got the cuts in had some vermiculite and stuff I don’t typically use, but it’s ok, just make sure I don’t over water in the cooler climate. I’m using the PH perfect MGB trio, amending with some neem and yucca extract to keep creepy crawlers away. I use well water and it’s about PH neutral with a moderate calcium count, so a bit of Epsom in regular watering is typical to keep cal/mag levels good.

The day I acquired them..
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3 days later after transplanting. I kept “Thing 2” the way she is, and Topped and did a bit of taming on “Thing 1”
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A few days later we have nice progress on Thing 1 and Thing 2 is loving the natural life
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After going 1 week in a 24 hour supplemental lighting schedule to get the transplant stabilized.. things are looking great into flowering. I had a bit of trouble since our first freeze dropped to 18 when I was expecting 29 but I added a higher wattage emergency heater, and luckily it seemed to only have affected the older or weaker leaves and did some pruning for me.. although this WONT happen again lol
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That’s all I got to this point, I’ll keep checking in weekly through flowering. Any questions or tips are greatly appreciated, remember this is just an experiment. I have 20 WW auto babies from ILGM that will be sown mid February, as well as some generous photo cuttings from a good friend to flower over next season.. Gotta stay busy till then!
Just to update, this morning I thought I saw some stigma peek a boo action, this evening after work revealed I was correct!
Pic from this morning, didn’t get out there with my phone this evening but there were probably a dozen more peeking out. Looking forward to a nice 9 week +/- winter flowering sesh..
Got some healthy ladies a couple weeks into flowering. Battled a couple things as winter set in, including some powdery mildew on a couple palms in the greenhouse.. nothing to note really on the ladies though, moving along nicely. I’ll update once I get some flower structure.
Just an update.. day 63 is coming this Tuesday, I’m seeing mostly milky about 80%+ but no amber, the rest are clear or starting to cloud.. I’ve been taming some red spider mites on the trained one, they don’t seem interested in the “natural” one.. I was hoping to go 10 weeks to see some amber but given the circumstances I may be chopping soon and giving these ladies a wash prior to drying. There’s no colonizing and I’ve got some predatory mites helping keep them at bay but the little bastards keep popping up on leaves here and there. Oh well, as you can see we are well underway with flushing and worst case scenario I get a little headier high than I wanted. I’ll check back with results in a week or hopefully 2. Peace!
I might add for anyone dealing with mites.. if your plants are healthy and it’s a few stranglers (by a few maybe a dozen or so) they are easily managed with a hands on approach.. but these little bastards are relentless.. under 53 degrees faranheit they can’t breed, and neem helps retard breeding.. but slack one bit and they’re baaack! Only hope is to reach harvest, they’ll move up to the chopped ends once you hang, and there’s you can add some sticky tape to catch those boogers like Pokémon!