Dutch Passion Win a 7 Pack of Dutch Passion AutoMazar Seeds

morning glory :jaw:
Dutch Passion Tony the lovely fella that he is has kindly agreed to offer a seven pack of Dutch Passion AutoMazar seeds as a prize in a guess the final dry weight of Miss Monster Madge the AutoMazar after harvest.....

Monster Madges wet weight (minimal stick content) was 3854g.

The competition will run for one week and will end at midnight on 19/12/13.

The rules are as follows:

1) Seeds will not be sent outside of Europe.

2) In the event of a tie the first winning guess is the winner.

3) Your guess must be in grams.

4) To enter you must have made 44 or more posts on AFN.

5) Entry must be made before the competition closing date.

Usual other rules and exclusions apply.

View attachment 306537

So come on girls and boys get your entry in....

Good luck

Mr Jorilla ganjamoto.
@Jesus - Seems to me you gave away the seeds to the second guesser, so don't say you didn't get the prize. It's misleading.
I gave them away because they wouldn't ship to me.

1) Seeds will not be sent outside of Europe.

sorry bro but it says in the rules, only for growers in Europe.
They have guess the weight contest for other stains also so if you want to play just make sure they ship to your country before you enter to win.