New Grower Wilting and sad


Jan 29, 2015
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:slaps: I'm a first time grower and my almost 4 week old Auto#1 plant is wilting.I'm watering every other day. PH seems to be correct. A little off but ok I think? Using organic soil cfl's to start now under 400 wt. HPS about a foot to a foot and a half away.Also I have a runt. But she's hanging in. Could I have packed my medium to hard ? Any help is appreciated.
:slaps: I'm a first time grower and my almost 4 week old Auto#1 plant is wilting.I'm watering every other day. PH seems to be correct. A little off but ok I think? Using organic soil cfl's to start now under 400 wt. HPS about a foot to a foot and a half away.Also I have a runt. But she's hanging in. Could I have packed my medium to hard ? Any help is appreciated.
Check and see how hot it's getting between your plant and the fixture . Maybe ??
:slaps: I'm a first time grower and my almost 4 week old Auto#1 plant is wilting.I'm watering every other day. PH seems to be correct. A little off but ok I think? Using organic soil cfl's to start now under 400 wt. HPS about a foot to a foot and a half away.Also I have a runt. But she's hanging in. Could I have packed my medium to hard ? Any help is appreciated.

Wilting can also be caused by over watering. Let your pots dry out a bit. let the first in or so of soil get dry before you water. Weight the popts by hand, when the pots feel light, water them.
Some pics would be a good help to try work out whats going on. You say you are watering every other day, is the soil dry when you water and does the pot feel light, as depending on the pot size and plant size every other day could be to much and the signs of over watering can be the plant wilting.
Funny you said that..ha ha. Just checked and it seems hot. Great place to start I guess cuz every time I water it stands rite back up and looks great.I'm sort of sketchy about this one. First grow one seed did not come up and other one is a runt!! Only real survivor and its upset with me. I live and learn Right??
Yep, I think I'm watering a bit to much. Will let them dry a little. thanks for info.
Yep thnks. Gonna give it some time. It's hard to be patient watching it bend over like this. Makes me want to cry. I think this was a bad first grow for me. I've got 3 more coming up behind this one and things are going better.
We all got to start some where bro, you learn and get better from mistakes, just hang in there and treat her right and all is not lost. You have come to the right place any way, there is just about all the info you need and always someone around ready to help, give it a few grows and you will have it worked out and be growing the monsters we all dream for.
100_1712 (2).jpg Here is the sad wilting plant. It's mad at me I don't know why.Any help is welcomed. Thnx
Looks like is over watered. What is your temperature and humidity?

PS: Every other day for watering is way too much i think. Especially for a young plant like this. :Cool bud: