Outdoor Will they make it?



Lol so i thought i was done for snow for the year so i decided to put 3 seedlings outside to see how they would do look at this screwed by the crappy weather. LOL gonna see if they survive.
If anyone has any pictures they wanna share feel free.
LOL,i can hear'em from here,their sayin"I'm freezin my ass off!"
I'd bring them inside, into a porch or something as you dont wanna shock them because of the temp change. Im sure less light would be alot better for them than snow all around them. Id get rid of as much snow with your hands then let it warm up untill the snow goes :howdy: May not work as its just my suggestion
Looks like it's a bit late to avoid shock. Have fun and keep us updated!
oh knowwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!! haha i was just thinking on puting a clone at the girls mothers yesterday thank weed god i didnt :jump: