All my autos are grown under 12/12 so I can do a photo alongside....I did see some amber on my AKR...but seldom allow any to go further since I prefer the "milky" state...Back when I first started growing autos, I kept a log in order to determin which 'maturity' level was preferable to me...found amber'ed to be NOT a preference....some like the couch lock, some don't....Several months ago, I let a couple of strains go to 50% amber (don't remember strains) so I'd have some pain relief smoke....but normally finish for the 'up' effect....
Have a digital usb micro on christmas list...now just using a 420 scope...but amber tint is still easy to see.....
Have a digital usb micro on christmas list...now just using a 420 scope...but amber tint is still easy to see.....