Indoor Wile-E-Peyote's Autopot mishmash

Yeah, I was thinking @Itisi joined the boated gentry - too good for us commoners now eh.:rofl::rofl: Knew Vladders was hangin on another site but haven't been over there in awhile. But @hairyman and @woody been mia for awhile now - hope all is well with them.
Ye haven't heard from the pair of them in a while (woody has been working away) maybe doesn't have the time?
I don't think you've heard from me since I got out of the hospital, but it's great to be back! I just started some FB LSD and Chemdawg. If you get a chance check out links in siggy. (I got 2 Mephisto's going too!) Plants are looking great btw! :headbang:
I don't think you've heard from me since I got out of the hospital, but it's great to be back! I just started some FB LSD and Chemdawg. If you get a chance check out links in siggy. (I got 2 Mephisto's going too!) Plants are looking great btw! :headbang:
Glad your feeling better dude, it's been a fooked up year my Mrs had a serious health scare (turned out she's fine) waiting on test results is a killer then to top it all had to get my oldest boxer put to sleep fookin gutted so ye it's been a fooked up year but on a lighter note we are all alive and still kicking :smoking: I'm on my phone dude post a link can't see sigs
Glad your feeling better dude, it's been a fooked up year my Mrs had a serious health scare (turned out she's fine) waiting on test results is a killer then to top it all had to get my oldest boxer put to sleep fookin gutted so ye it's been a fooked up year but on a lighter note we are all alive and still kicking :smoking: I'm on my phone dude post a link can't see sigs
So sorry to hear about your pooch. I know it would hit me hard if something happen to mine! The ex-wife getting sick really wouldn't bother me. I'd consider that good karma! :crying: Anyways, here's a couple links to my current grows. Not much happening yet. :headbang:
Day 20 for the FB girls and day 10 for the BBBC im feeding them all on 1.25 ml of grow, micro and bloom pH'd to 5.6, I'm putting the FB girls on the res today and hooking up the airdomes same strength feed, pic time
   well that's all for now, have a great weekend :pass:
Only over the bigger girl's, i usually switch on the cobs between 2 and 3 weeks plant size depending

Yeah I started running mine this past week. But too warm in the grow room to run the COBs on both lights at the same time. So alternating 9hrs one then 9hrs on the other.