Ah yes speed. Had a speed phase for about 6 months. Went from 170lbs down to 110lbs. Had to stop for the sake of my body.
Friends that had done peyote and shrooms said they were a lot alike. Peyote tasted horrible and always did a number on my stomach. Almost always made me throw up. But always a bit easier than acid to judge the dose. Acid strength always varied so widely especially if the acid wasn't fresh.
I think downers was my favorite phase. Had a particular liking for seconal and tuinal, but had to eventually give them up too. You build up a resistance very quickly and is as additive as heroin. A couple of years ago I was in hospitable when my appendix ruptured. They were giving me dilaudid 4-5 times a day for the 4 days that I was there. I was in heaven - feeling no pain and not a care in the world. The wife says it made me a mean prick - she threatened to put me out of the car on the way home. lol
Sorry for the highjack
@Wile e Peyote. That ultimate is one big girl and full of frosty goodness!