Wild Thailand Ryder Grow off!!!!

it can go south so fast in the bucket.

Too true. May as well cut your losses and quit now ! lol, Q really know how to encourage a chap. Way to go Qman, keep it coming. You are awful, but I like you.

Depends on your start date. I would say that whoever started last has 90 odd days to complete the grow. Give or take a few days. Each person or penguin should be able to choose the day and picture they want to put forward. IMHO.
As far as I know, there are no rules, and we don't want to get hung up on them. This is meant to be fun, and we are adults. Aren't we ?
Over to The Vault reps for guidance........

or, Reb, did I mis-understand the question.
Yeah sorry eP.. Guess I don't ask things well lol more details needed perhaps? Lol that's not what I meant... I was asking what the breeder's time frame was... Just for general reference. I surely didn't expect us all to chop on the same day! Sorry for my misleading question... Here's some extra kippers!

Thanks Feenix and Briman! 80 days sounds good to me!