Why is she doing this???

:smoke:Could be over fert.over watering,incorrect PH.Also somtimes they do this but usually late in the flower period.
Looks a little like over nitrification and over watering, What's your feeding schedule? how often do you water do you let your soil dry out before watering? That's what I'm getting from it the way the leaves are clawing like that but you have no discoloring of any type so it isn't to bad.
Looks like overwatering with a hint of overfert. Whats your medium and schedule?
What strain is it? I see some purple stems which could be genetic or a possible P deficiency from either a lack of P or a pH lockout.
This is a blue himalaya she's been doin this her whole life I water once every 2 days or so after the soil has dried up and I feed her half strength general organics bio line of nutes. Also some leaves we're yellowing at the bottom of the plant
She's been getting the same amount of nutes as my other girls but she's the only one with this problem. I think she might just be nute sensitive. Also she's in a 2 gallon container of organic soil. She also looks like this when the soil is dried up.

Should I flush her or leave her be because honestly she's seems to be doing just fine the way she is. But idk
In my little tent running 600w HPS and 24-28ºC, I watered around every 3, sometimes even 4 days, until the soiless mix was dry enough. But every soil is different.

I would check your pH. I managed to grow 7 lovely ladies without pH/EC meter without hiccups until week 6. Then I started having all sorts of issues, one after the other,
until I finally got a pH meter. Baseline pH 7.6. I distinctly remember this clawing effect and way too early low leaf yellowing.
yup I agree you need to check your Ph you could be going towards lockout check your pH and get back to us. Don't flush her unless you have pH adjusted water or you'll just make the problem worse. Some plants are pickier than others every seed you pop will act different.
How old is that plant?

I agree you could have one or any combination of the problems mentioned. But, if you're growing several plants, under the same exact conditions (same mix, water pH, fert schedule, etc), I would lean more toward an individual sensitivity by that plant.

I have had 6 plants of the same strain, in the same cab, same everything, and had one plant that looked like yours. Fortunately, I had enough confidence in my method that I didn't do anything, and ended up with nice buds from a plant the fans leaves always looked wilted on. It makes sense to check what you can, but I wouldn't stress too much, since it looks like the plants will be finishing soon anyway. :peace: