New Grower who or what is this girl?

oh I know the mystery ghost known as @Northern Grower has a LOT to do with all of our enjoyment, but you are just being humble you do a LOT here sir and we all appreciate it!
Well thank you for the kind words, means a lot to me. hes around these parts that for sure. Im just being me sir, thats all i can be and share in what i love

I had a friend drop in not long after I posted ,,he call her a photoperiod . she just got a very hard lesson in BDSM, as I call it. Heavy wire work along with her own screen

she looks a little upset just now. not much into BDSM I guess . will post a few phots next week
Ummm 2 days later after she had her lessons in super cropping ,BDSM ,put under a screen. she goes into flower .:dammit:So now is back in 20/4 light. Has shown no sign of slowing down as she put on 5 cms last night

she is in a corner of the room a bit hard to get photos up close, she is still taller than her sisters , after I folded 15cm of the main top with wire and rubber ties .
she shows some stress in the leafs but will be ok I hope . I think i'll have head room trouble as I only have 2 meter headroom .