Harvest & Curing White widow yields??

Sep 3, 2019
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Ok I know every bean and grower is different I’m just trying to get a rough estimate on what I possibly could be getting. Anyone who has grown a White Widow and remember how much you got per plant could you please leave a comment. Thank you..
My First WW from Royal Queen. 48g (1.69oz) had a few hiccups, my next ones once I got things dialed in with help from the AFN family ..66g (2.23oz) and 78g (2.27oz)
There's too many variables outside the bean (there can be many pheno's from one breeder) and gardener. You have medium, temp, humidity, feed, pot size, training, lighting etc. plus many more.
I got 2oz + on my first run but my second I got 1.5, then again I've seen others get 4+. It's not going to give you the answer you're looking for. Sorry
This is impossible to answer. Outdoor? Indoor? Temps rH? Perfect plant health? Will you make it to harvest?
Only answer is something between nothing, and the specs from the breeder.
The fellows are right...I was just giving my numbers...yes, many factors..but, listening and using advise given here can help out considerably in getting better quality and yields when dialing in your factors
Thanks guys I knew it was not going to be exact am just curious and I’ve pretty much already got my answer was just looking basically for the lowest total and the highest so I figured I’d be in between somewhere. Doesn’t really matter as I am only growing for personal smoke.
I grew several earlier on and they produced anywhere from 1-3 ounces
Thanks guys I knew it was not going to be exact am just curious and I’ve pretty much already got my answer was just looking basically for the lowest total and the highest so I figured I’d be in between somewhere. Doesn’t really matter as I am only growing for personal smoke.
It matters, this is how we get better, and I like good smoke...more the better.

Suggestion. Find a grow style that is common. Basic nutes, soil OR coco. Don't go nutz and mix your own etc. Good soil or coco, and good base nutes. Learn the plant and how things run, then tune for yourself.

If you run into issues, and your in a common medium with common nutrients, it'll be easier for you to get help if needed. Many out there blend styles together, and it works for some, but you kinda limit who can help when there's only a handful growing that way. A very uneasy experience for new growers.

Very first grow? Shoot for a finished plant that provides some smoke you'd share with friends! My first grow the smoke was hard hitting, but smelled and tasted of Alaskan fish emulsion....I had to hide to smoke it...
That was a long time ago, and many many plants.
I've grown White Widow Auto's from Crop King Seeds previously and have had a range. Mostly in the 25-60g per plant range, one went crazy and I got 208g of it.