Since I have come this far there is about 6-9 days at least of drying time due to the temperature
As it is cold at the moment it will take a little longer without additional heat the ideal temp would be 68-72 F
There is no point of trying to rush things now drying and curing ( CAN NOT BE RUSHED )

When it comes down to seeds prep
Warmth is the clue keep the seeds warm to germinate and the seed pots compost warm when potting on
No plant likes to receive a shock going into cold compost the shock can knock them back days or weeks this has been around a very long time
But no matter what you do there will be some DOUBTERS

It's just the green or blue eyed monster and not ( ABSINTHE )
I gave a friend some smoke a while back and he said it's like rooooom's

A crop for personal use in under 60 days is still good going

For those that need bed time reading and are still willing to learn there is a book called
The bedroom gardeners bible 2012

I Thank You

And without the verbal diarrhoea ( The Best Book Ever ) AND IT'S FREE

You would not pay a dealer for the smoke you have just grown so why give somebody money for a book that to be honest most are just a load rat Sh2t
The internet is one of the best and worst leaning tools it's just what to take and what to leave out
Hey D M do i get me badge now

Boris Johnson if he Just had one ''J'' would be enough for me