Thanks for the help @tobe I have more seeds to try and will be putting one in the soil in another few days once soil arrives. I'm just waiting for the space to rotate so I dont over do itHi MissUniverse
So sorry to hear the baby died. I tag my friend @StickMan to take a look if we can arrange anything.
Have a nice day
cu tobe
Yeah, it had to be the ffof I had it laying around from years ago and never used it because I heard of that exact possibility. It was the first soil I ever bought but I went over to promix then to roots organic... I just wanted to use the soil didnt think it was that bad :/. Ah well, Im going to order more roots organic soil I went back to it but didnt plan on this gal dying but now I know more. .this will be me going back to how I grew in soil this past fall which got me really good results of easily 80 to 100g a plant before all my hassle happened but I just was an idiot and changed the soil... when you cut corners ya see what happens@MissUniverse hey luv, hope you're hanging tough! Sucky to hear the double K's are painin' ya,... feel better soon!
...yaaaarghh , a lousy start for the soil run! ..... but you know, in a way I'm glad because it's so early on,...I'm going to try to talk you out of that Fuxfarm shwag, especially OF... This is the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem soil I see in Sick Bay! The Promix may "cool" it down, but it's the shaky quality and notoriously badly off pH that worries me. I can't say it's the cause here, likely not (more likely fungal attack of roots), but I wouldn't rule it out.... Can you tell me if you're in the States? I assume so if you got OF,... Look for Roots Organic original soil, Royal Gold King's Mix (my new dirt love-... nice, nice stuff!),... Sanctuary Soils Victory Mix or Empire Builder (hotter).....
I'd highly recommend a Si supp, humic-fulvic (BioAg Ful-Humix, 100g bag, last for years), Earth Juice Microblast, Coco-Wet wetting agent,... and a soil pH meter! Control Wizard Accurate 8, or some other identical unit under a different brand name (A8's suddenly are way more $, same units can be had for nearly half- )....
As mentioned, I'm thinking the poor seedling got mugged by fungus, or bugs..? Another thing OF is notorious for- gnats! Ask you local stores if the have samples of Insect Frass, bug poops,... - nutritious, loaded with beneficials, and has other goodies that stimulates the plants immune response (SAR), and attacks the chitin in the bugs hides, killing them=
I'm going to go do a slurry run off ph test of ffof using just a ph tube test to see what it is... I bet the ph is about 5. I'm thinking of dumping the rest of the ffof into a dirt pile for later on