Which deficiency?


Cultivators Club
May 28, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Colossal purps, blue toof x Royal gorilla, Tangerine haze, Ghost train haze, strawberry shortcake, face wreck og, berry gelato cbd 1.1, Durban poison
Am having an issue with some cal mag def but not 100% that's wat it is so if anyone has any ideas I've been using advanced 3 part organic @400ppm and 200ppm of cal mag for feed sometimes I put a bit less base nute and add a bit of kelp me kelp u thanks for any help in advance
get pics in normal light please, this is difficult to read symptoms on,... Also, go to the colored section above, find the patient form and c/p it into here with needed info for proper diagnosis,....
Calcium deficiency. One gram of Epsom salt to one gallon of water. Let salt dissolve for a moment, transfer to spray bottle, apply liberally to top and bottom leaves over entire plant. Let dry BEFORE placing back under light.
That's not going to work mate, epsoms is only MgSO4, no Ca in it al all,... But it does look suspect for Ca defc. to me too,....
:doh: -- and this isn't a Mg defc. issue, wrong symptoms, wrong place on the plant to show it.... Did you see the 200ppm Ca-Mg already going in? that's why We ask people to fill in that form, to see if there may be other causative factors, like lights.distances, overload of other nutes causing uptake or lock out issues,... Sorry, but in Sick Bay, your advise needs to be more carefully considered, not fired off half baked or plain wrong like it was in some other cases,...
Thanks guys I have upped calmag lights are qb96v2 @ about 18in to 20in away @ 120w right now it's in 1gal of coco as of now I'm using botanicares cal-mag @ 6mls a gallon and the rest of my feed is equal parts grow,micro,bloom advanced nutrients jungle juice total ppm is 650ppm or so. I've heard there is a relationship between calmag and I think it said phos not sure how true it is but it said if one is out wack it can slow the uptake of the other . Not sure how to go back to fill out the stuff I missed. I added more calmag and seems like it got worse I went from 4ml a gallon to 6ml a gallon of calmag thanks again @Tree and @Waira
..this is why we ask you fill in that form mate! Coco changes everything because of it's odd CEC properties, especially it's Ca hogging, Mg to a lesser degree,... it binds it to the particles strongly, keeping it from the plant until a saturation level is reached, then it gives/takes like it should,...
We need pH info too,... going in, and coming out; coco needs serious run-off to keep the salts from building up, like 15-25% depending on how hard the water is,... pH and ppm of run-off is very important! The point of coco is it's great breathing capacity, you can feed often, weakly, and keep the nute's at a optimal level and not worry about waterlogging like would happen in true soil, which coco is very much different from,... treat it like regular soil, even soilless peat based, and problem will come sooner or later usually sooner! Think more along the lines of it being a hydro medium, and you get the gist....
You're right, too much Ca and/or Mg will screw with each others' uptake, and other nutes! Check out the charts and graphs in the Defc. Pic Depot here, colored section above this one, page two.....
Do that runoff thing mate, with plain water this one time; usually plain water is a no-no with coco (CEC thing again.. cation exchange capacity), Ca-Mg at least, but we need to see if you're overloaded in there and what the pH and ppm's are... From those results, we take the next step...
..this is why we ask you fill in that form mate! Coco changes everything because of it's odd CEC properties, especially it's Ca hogging, Mg to a lesser degree,... it binds it to the particles strongly, keeping it from the plant until a saturation level is reached, then it gives/takes like it should,...
We need pH info too,... going in, and coming out; coco needs serious run-off to keep the salts from building up, like 15-25% depending on how hard the water is,... pH and ppm of run-off is very important! The point of coco is it's great breathing capacity, you can feed often, weakly, and keep the nute's at a optimal level and not worry about waterlogging like would happen in true soil, which coco is very much different from,... treat it like regular soil, even soilless peat based, and problem will come sooner or later usually sooner! Think more along the lines of it being a hydro medium, and you get the gist....
You're right, too much Ca and/or Mg will screw with each others' uptake, and other nutes! Check out the charts and graphs in the Defc. Pic Depot here, colored section above this one, page two.....
Do that runoff thing mate, with plain water this one time; usually plain water is a no-no with coco (CEC thing again.. cation exchange capacity), Ca-Mg at least, but we need to see if you're overloaded in there and what the pH and ppm's are... From those results, we take the next step...
Ok thanks I always thought that I feed them till 20% run off which I do I also knew about it binding which is why I run 5 ml of botanicares cal-mag from start and most don't do this so wasn't sure if I was having a lock out or not enuff I've got 4 others further in flower and they are looking good ph I always use ph6 it works best ppm of well water is 55ppm to 70ppm then I add 5ml calmag and then base nutrients
Fitzy, test the ppm's of the run-off, that's the most important info now, just to make sure it's not out of whack,... otherwise, that's all good news! Sorry if it sounded remedial, but so few bother to look into coco before they end up in here,... I feel like a broken record!
If the ppm's are good, no overload of nutes, then likely the CEC is off, and it's holding the Ca up,.. what bugged me is when you raised the Ca-Mg but it got worse,.. could be it's not quite enough time yet,....
Spotting is still odder looking than usual to me,... can you take normal light pics?
The run off is a bit high @ 1000tds not the 700tds I've been putting in so I am flushing it now with 350ppm calmag once I see it come down I will feed till I see same ppm/test going in as out thanks for your time my friend it's so weird all plants in flower get same feed and same amount run off not all have this problem like this hubbasquach x 24carat she got a bit of k problems early bc I f ed up veg and bloom feed gave it full strength bloom but other than that looks good now though and I want the one in here to recover like one in pics I mean I know wat ever damage there is won't magically go away but hopefully stop it worsening
good plan mate, it was a tad high, but not bad,.. my coco guru says run-off ppm shouldn't be more than about 250ppm higher than input,...just be sure to keep the PK pumping! I see some burn on the "teeth", typical of K defc.-- usually!-- ironically, it's also what happens with toxicity, of a uptake issue caused by overly high ppm or too much of other cations,... Check out the Defc. Pic Depot in the section above this, page two where the charts are, lots of good insights and info there!....
Different strains, even pheno's can have different demands and tolerances, so it's not unusual to have happy plants next to less happy plants,... :smoking: