Where to get your seeds

If this is turly a worry of yours you should be selling feminized seeds only, No regulars. Cause theres only one reason acustomer buys fem seeds and reg seeds of the same strain== Breeding So they dont have to buy again,:2cents:

No disrespect meant.


Dude,you are a pioneer and here regular seeds?What if I can make fem. multiple copies?Matter in other,I know quality of LBH seeds,very impressive,and it would be more pleasant to me to take original seeds from LBH.
i sent seeds too THE SEEDS DEPOT http://www.seeddepot.nl/ so you guy's can buy there LBH autoflowering seeds for now.
i sent autoflowering Sour Diesel Haze (big pheno) auto Asian Haze 1 pack go with 10 seeds freebee of semi-auto strain called Eirbei great outdoor/geurillia strain that i use manny years outdoor

PLEASE CONTACT THE SEED DEPOT Ask for LBH seeds (hurry they wil go sell kwik)

peace LBH

auto aisan haze
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whats the yield on the Sour Diesel Haze? Good luck with the sales..and you came out same day as dragons too!LOL this is like music..need to stagger the releases to get max booming sales.Choices!!!! Grrrr im bad with them lol Maybe its just that i want it allllllll!!!!!!!!!lol I have seed cases to fill and ladies to bloom:peace:
yes please email the seed depot for now they building section for me but best sent a email and ask for the La Buena Hierba autoflowering seeds

thise auto Sour Diesel Haze are verry high yielers if grown corect they verry smelly too sorry for my bad english
That's awesome lbh.