When to start outdoor seedlings?

dont start your autos outside too early or youll end up with stunted little plants. Id suggest waiting till your nightime low temps stay above 55f for a week or so before you move plants outside, warmer is better in my location.
Thanks for the tips man!!!:thanks: its legal here in Canada to grow 4 per residential household ,but i would like to keep control of height due to the fact i know certain folk in my town will steal them if they have the chance :cuss: then again i wouldn't mind growing a crab apple tree size girl :biggrin:

as its legal, consider getting a handful of motion sensors...they are cheap and will thwart thieves looking to steal your efforts. Also.....if you really want to maximize your plants, consider starting the seeds under a t5 flouro for 2-3 weeks...it will make a huge difference. Check out the outdoor related grow guides in the guides and tutorials section.
Why are they bigger when they start sooner? I'm looking to do 20 different autos this year and I'll be able to start them indoors this year for the first month with some nice equipment but just wondering like jasper said what's best time of the year to start them? Weather, daylight hours, region based, etc. I'm in northeast Ohio btw. Sorry for stealing post jasper