Outdoor When to put 'em out

Jan 21, 2014
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I germed them inside. They're less than a week old, just starting second leaves. I want to grow them outdoors but they're going to stay in containers. Should I just put them out now or are they too small and persnipitty?
I like to grow a plant indoors for at least 3 weeks before moving it outdoors ...
Yup I'd grow indoors for 2 weeks than ideally it's best to harden them off outside for their third week, exposing them to the sun and wind more and more each day.

I have some photos outdoors from day 1 and they are much smaller than the ones I started indoor but you have that luxury with photos, autos need to be treated with care especially the first three weeks to get them to their greatest potential once transplanted outdoors.
Im starting straight outside in the ground this year, hoping for above average temps and plenty of sun, wish me luck!!!
I guess it depends where you live - ha ha - I started mine early this year in Central Scotland (end of March) and they suffered from poor lighting so ended up a bit spindly as they grasped for the sun (grown on a S. facing windowsill) but May was crap for sun here - they are now hardening off in a coldframe (mini greenhouse) and looking much better - this gets opened to the sun and elements during the day and gets closed off at night to try an maintain temps. Last night was a cold clear light and even in the coldframe the temp dropped to 10degC << which s low enough to give the plants a bit of a shock. Some will stay in the coldframe and the rest will have to fend for themselves in a couple of weeks in the flowerbeds. - Oh and the First Diesel Ryder cross has just started flowering << early bitch.