New Grower When to harvest autos? Your leaves will tell you.

One of the most frequently asked questions is how do I know when my autos are ready to pick? The convention wisdom from growing photo period plants was to watch for color change in the trichomes, or crystals. For an uplifting high, harvest when the trichomes are all cloudy, for more of a stone, wait till a percentage have turned amber. Sound advice, for photos. But autos are a little different. While some strains have shown amber trics, many do not.

So how do I know when they are ready? I watch the the fan leaves. Over the past several years of growing autos I started taking samples at various stages of growth to evaluate the high. I tend to prefer my smoke with a little stone so began to leave them longer than the 8-9 weeks that are advertised. I find that around 11-12 weeks the plants are ripe for me. I also began to see a correlation between the color of the fan leaves, the color of the trics and the high/stone quality of the smoke at the various sample intervals. It seemed that the greener the fan leaves, the more clear trics the buds had. As the fan leaves started to yellow and die off, the trics became less clear and more milky. By the time that all the fan leaves had died off and the bud leaves were starting to yellow, I got the quality of smoke I wanted. At that time most of the trics were now milky with no, or only a few, clear ones. Here are some examples:

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I've found this to be a very reliable method. It takes about 3 weeks for the fan leaves to die off. During that time the buds will continue to fatten up as the plant uses the energy stored in the fan leaves. So when I see my leaves start to yellow, I wait a week, then begin cleansing them. Two weeks later they will be well cleansed and read to harvest.

Of course there will be other factors such as genetics, lighting, nutrients, pot size, etc. that will effect how long a plant takes. But as a general guide for when to pick, just watch your leaves.

NOTE: If you have questions regarding your personal grow, please post them in the appropriate forum and not in this thread.
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Thanks for the kind words. I always sample new strains as they mature so I can find the "sweet spot", where they give me the kind of high/stone I'm looking for.

My avatar is the great blues legend, Muddy Waters. He's been gone for close to 30 years now yet still a huge influence on rock and blues music.

Muddy, great info sir ! Just a quicky re taking bud early to sample - what method do you use to quickly dry the test bud please ?
I put them right into my vape without drying. A microwave can also be used. A few seconds, check, then a few more if needed.

Muddy, great info sir ! Just a quicky re taking bud early to sample - what method do you use to quickly dry the test bud please ?
Extreme Q. 420 degrees, of course.

Muddy, hoping not to get too far off track here, but what vape and what temp do you use please ?
That would be 420 F. I had a friend set his to the max C setting and burned out the bowl. Something like 500 F.

Thank you sir - I have one of those also - still experimenting - you say 420 deg. then 'of course' - so, showing my ignorance, why the 'of course'.
I put them right into my vape without drying. A microwave can also be used. A few seconds, check, then a few more if needed.
I was always curious about that, I just bought/started using a vape for the first time and never had a chance for some raw shmokes, how would you compare it to drying some out for a bowl? Ugh now I'm dying to try it lol only got a few seedlings though.

