When to go into flower cycle.

Jun 5, 2020
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As the title states. At what point do i take my plant from Veg to flowering? I have some smaller plants in the tent aswell which will be a problem. I may have to move them outside or invest in another tent.

If they're autos, they'll flower by genetics regardless......if photos, they'll flower after a few days 12/12. Of course some light spectrums help, some delay..... I run autos alongside photos perpetually with no issues regardless of age or genetics so you shouldn't have a problem.
yah i've done research into that - these are photo's but i can't find anything about when is the best time to put them into the flower cycle. The plant in the picture is about 50-60 days old, it was started outside then I bought it in so it's growth was a bit slower.
Do you think I should wait a week or two more then put it onto a 12 12 cycle or do it now?

Next grow I'm going to buy some proper seeds and hopefully have more progress with the stuff you guys have taught me so far!
yah i've done research into that - these are photo's but i can't find anything about when is the best time to put them into the flower cycle. The plant in the picture is about 50-60 days old, it was started outside then I bought it in so it's growth was a bit slower.
Do you think I should wait a week or two more then put it onto a 12 12 cycle or do it now?

Next grow I'm going to buy some proper seeds and hopefully have more progress with the stuff you guys have taught me so far!
U have to look at the strain and what it’s gonna do in stretch. Some go crazy and stretch off a couple weeks some don’t stretch much. Do some research into what you’re growing
My habit with photos has been to flip to 12/12 at 3-4 weeks... which is earlier than most but it keeps my plants small of course which is my preference....usually top to limit height but they still tend to take over my tent.
Those who grow for yield tend to veg much longer..........
Thanks guys. Sorry if these are basic questions but this is my first grow and it's an unknown plant. I was given it as a seedling. Im just trying to gather as much information as possible. I am youtubing and googling aswell but you guys seem the better option =)
Thanks guys. Sorry if these are basic questions but this is my first grow and it's an unknown plant. I was given it as a seedling. Im just trying to gather as much information as possible. I am youtubing and googling aswell but you guys seem the better option =)
At a minimum you want to wait until the plant starts showing sex. Females will start to pop little clear/white pistil hairs. Usually these are the the base of the node. Males will start showing nanners or male parts. If they show signs they are female, they are sexually mature and ready to flower.
What he said. They have longer to flower initially if they haven't begun showing pistols but my veg is between 1-3 weeks depending on how they stretch.

I've had two Landrace sativas with very different amounts of stretch - a Malawi x Panama that stretched 4x and another that is closer to 2-3x but both had very different growth rates from veg to flower even with equal amounts of veg time.

Is that your final pot?
I'll have a look for the pistols and have a check! If they are visible I will put her into flower. Thanks mate.

Damien that is my final pot mate yes
There are way to many variables for a single answer. You won't find a "time to flip" because it's personal preference. If that plant is 60 days old, then it should have shown sex weeks ago. What I would be concerned with right now is whether the plant needs to be transplanted into a bigger pot. The plant will stretch to usually twice the height it is now. Is there enough room for root growth left in that pot? Or enough medium to feed for another 8-10 weeks?