New Grower When auto's usually start to producing buds?

Jan 20, 2015
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in what day auto's usually start to producing buds?
iv'e an plant in day 39 and still no pistils on it, it that normal?

i bought the seeds from kiwiseeds (auto power plant) and iv'e already run one seed from the same packge that wasnt an auto.
only ofter i switched to 12/12 she start to flower.
i think they cheat on me and sold a normal seeds instead of auto's :no:

do any1 had the same as me?
Ganja, same problem again? I think they messed up your order and sent you both regular photo seeds. If there is no pistils at all then also switch to 12/12 to flower her like the other. If there is a bit of pistils let it go longer to see what she does. But by day 39 there should be pistils
yea man, same again :\
no pistils at all.. i switched to 12/12.

i have 2 left i guess they as well a photo :Bad Luck:
maybe should i contact them?
Personally I would be pissed as hell. And get my money back. Or get the right order sent. But it seems like they all photos

the thinkg is that i didnt order it from thier site, my friend were in amsterdam an bought it in thier shop.
Were they in the original packing unopened and sealed with the original label? Cuz don't get me wrong but we all make mistakes maybe your friend bought the wrong ones or they got mixed up in the travel. They also only sell 3,5 and 10 packs so a 4 pack sounds a bit weird.
Shhh it happens, I had five seeds marked "auto fem" in their bag, they were free seeds with my paid order. At day 35 they were way too tall for autos and no sex. After about day 40ish, I had 3 males, 2 females. I suspected they were photo's and after a double check with the supplier, they found there was a packaging error. They don't know what the strain is just that they are photo's. I am being compensated with free seeds and I have 2 short season mystery females at just over 6ft flowering up well., should be ready in June, no big deal for me as I grow outdoors but can understand what a piss off it would be for indoor.
Were they in the original packing unopened and sealed with the original label? Cuz don't get me wrong but we all make mistakes maybe your friend bought the wrong ones or they got mixed up in the travel. They also only sell 3,5 and 10 packs so a 4 pack sounds a bit weird.

yes they were sealed and "Auto P/P" mark on the package.
my friend bought 3 seeds for 20Euro (as in thier site).
i'm either was surprised when i saw 4 seeds but i thought its maybe a misstake..

fuck it, i want to smoke :stylez rasta smoke:
almost 3 months and nothing yet :/
How's the other one going? It's been on 12/12 how long? .ist photos flowering is 8-10 weeks some shorter but we don't know what photos you have so you'll have to keep an eye on the trichs, your friend has receipt? I would call them or email them and say that this 3 pack was picked up at there store. And not only was there 4 in the pack but they weren't autos, as they didn't autoflower. Maybe they'll offer another pack