Indoor What's wrong with this picture?

Bandit speaks the truth!

Gotta kill a few plants in order to learn what not to do. Congratulations. Your on your way to becoming a pro. :)
Thanks All! Great Advise! I'll continue with this grow, as they do look a little better today, but will do differently next time.

I have succes whit my setup :D
Poting soil for seedlings check for ph on soil bag when you buy. 5.5-6.5
Add 30% perlite and some hidroponic clay balls.
Start fert at day 20-30 at low doses.

In my outdoor grow i buyed 10liter bag whit potting soil and cuted some holes in botom of bag for dranage planted my seedling in bag and it remained in bag untill harwest (85 days) i added fert only at day +- 60. You can check out @ my singature. Sry i M bad at english + i am high :D
Didn't do anything but water and light!View attachment 416990

mine looks like that too, but not the brown. I think it's heat. Either temp. or lights. I'd guess lights. I turned mine down to 50% today. Yesterday I had turned them up to 100% and today they are starting to look like yours a little.
I'm a newbe though, so maybe someone else will chime in on this.