my watering schedule depends on the soil, i only water when the soil is fully dry and the pot feels light, it look wet in the pic just cuz it happened that i took pic right after watering
, the reason why i'm using this soil is because i live in Asian region!!, There are no types of soil for cannabis growing, like the fox farm soil that almost everyone using etc.., and it's not easy to get it here, so i had to study what is the best soil for cannabis and i had to take a recipe from some old growers, and i found this soil as my best bet, my idea was to have enough nutrients in the soil so i don't have to add anything later (or until flowering at least), also i didn't plant the seed directly into the soil because it will be too hot for seedlings, so i scoped a chunk in the middle of each pot and added some potting mix, it was fun learning experience

, i think i got too excited for the idea that i might have something better to smoke rather than the shitty brick weed that we have here

, any way i will update here what is going to happen with these girl's, currently waiting my coco to arrive.